Chapter seven - Field trip

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"I'll pass that" I smile

"c'mon, one kiss" he turns his body to me

"not happening..."Ash". leave me alone." Ashton keeps looking at me but i put my headphones back and i can hear them comment about it

The rest of the trip was calm enough with my music volume on the maximum, we get out of the bus and follow the teacher, i see Mali and Jim and i make my way to meet them.

"hey!" they say

"hey. thanks for keeping a sit for me"

"we though you wouldn't come" Mali peaks with a sorry voice

"I know it's fine."

"you sat with Ashton Irwin right?" Jim asks

"yeah... so?"

"he's in the team... i think he's hot" he smiles to me


"I was just telling you what my eyes see." he says and I laugh.

 We arrive to the front door of the history museum and the teacher starts to count us.

"okay, listen up! i made some pairs for today, you have a paper with questions you have to complete together. I want a serious job here! you don't have 2 years old, i will not accept bad behave. " the teacher says and puts two papers in the wall with the paired names

"Let's pray that it's a cute boy" Jim says and starts walking to the middle of the crowd surrounding the papers

I stay there looking at them almost killing themselves just for a piece of paper, for God sakes. I see Calum approaching me and my heart starts to race like a Formula 1 car.

"guess we have to fill a paper together" he looks serious, I can't tell if he's excited or bored to be my partner

"great." great? that's all you have to say Lara? i want to slap myself sometimes

"yeah... I'm gonna get the paper." he turns around to meet the teacher on the other side

Jim walks in my direction and he comes with a smile, this is not good " guess who is my partner?" he asks

"a cute boy?!"

"Ashton!" he says excited

"oh shit! please don't say anything stupid to him... please." nothing could be more perfect of course, me with Calum, Jim with Ashton, what's next?

"I wont. I don't even know him... yet. but i will know him better in the next..." he looks at his phone for the time "6 hours." he smiles

"6 hours?" I look shocked "I have to be 6 hours with Calum?"

"you with Calum? only shit!" he laughs

"it's not funny Jim!"

"I'm sorry!"  he tries to contain his laugh " it's just 5 hours and 58 minutes... think positive" he gives me a fake smile

"you know, you not helping, not even a bit."

"I'm sorry, really. but seriously try to have fun! he's not that bad is he?"

"he is!"

"people surprise you sometimes Lara. trust people more you know?"

"I don't. that's why I have you... the only one I trust in this band of animals here" i point to the crowd still fighting to see they names on a paper

"about that... trusting thing. I need to tell you someth... " Calum arrives with the paper in his hands "i have it, let's go?" he asks

"yeah..." I put my bag on my shoulder and I start to walk "oh wait." i say to Calum and I run a little to meet Jim that was walking away.

"Jim! what did you want to tell me?"

"oh... it's fine I can talk to you other day about it, it's not that important. just enjoy the day!"

"are you sure? you seemed serious about it."

"yeah! I'm going to meet Ashton. anything call." he almost runs away from me

"okay... bye"  I whisper because he's too far away to hear it

"what was that?" Calum asks next to me

"nothing. nothing that will concern you somehow." I take my coat and I put it on my bag

"of course. you forgot to take your pills again, right?"

"what?" I look up at him

"you're acting fucking stupid again" he crosses his arms

"I don't think that's pills for stupidity but I'll try to find them for you too." I say and he rolls his eyes, this boy puts my nerves on top

"let's go." he says and starts walking

It has pass a while and we keep speaking just about the paper we have to fill in. To be honest we are doing pretty well finding things out, Calum had this idea of following a group of old people having a guided tour so we can hear everything the guide guy says.

"I'm hungry" I whisper to him, I'm feeling quite tired too, I didn't eat all day and it's almost 1pm

"not now, this part is important" he whispers back and I roll my eyes

I'm waiting impatiently for Calum to decide when is the time to leave, I'm starving and I'm feeling a little sick already. I sit on a bench next to a old lady with a hiker that smiled at me. I put my head down between my legs, I'm feeling really weak.

"are you okay sweetheart?" the lady next to me asks

"I'm fine. just a little tired..." I try to give her a fake smile but even that I can't

"you want me to call your boyfriend?" she asks

"he's not even my friend." the idea of having Calum has a boyfriend makes me even sicker.

"well two separate young people taking a tourist guide it's not very normal"

"we're not..." I feel my head getting confused " friends"

"excuse me, young man!" she screams to whoever is in front of her "your friend is not feeling alright" she says

 I hear footsteps running in my direction

"what's wrong?" he kneels in front of me

"I'm just a little dizzy. it's all good" I say and he lifts my head with his hand

"you're not, you're getting pale" he gets up "can you get up?"

"yeah..." no I'm going to pass out

"okay let's eat... maybe that's why you feeling that way" really?

" I'm telling you that 3 hours ago" I get up and I see all dim so I grab Calum's arm 

"what do you want to eat?"

"food." i take my hand from his arm

"nice choice." he smiles

"thank you." I say and smile at the old lady that was sit next to me

"anytime sweetheart, I'll invite you to sneak out to the next guide tour" she smiles back and winks at me, Jim was right people can surprise you sometimes, there's kind souls after all in this world


"you should go easy with that" Calum opens his mouth for the first time since we left that visit shit group, but he's probably right, I'm eating this sandwich like there's no tomorrow

"sorry." I slow down a little

"it's fine, love seeing a girl passionate about food."

"yeah, right." i say with my mouth full 

"what?" he asks

"nothing. just... what you have for me is certainly love, for sure." I speak ironically

"never said I'd hate you" he says 

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