Chapter five- Cold

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Calum POV

I couldn't sleep last night thinking about what happened in that party, I was a little touched by the alcohol and my mouth said something that I now regret. The only girl that I was actually starting to care about probably hates me and it's a feeling that I'm pretty used to feel, but this one is different , it's like I'm getting sick every time I think about it. She's probably not going to remember is she?

"Calum..." my sister is at my door

"yeah what?"

"mom wants to talk" she looks concern so I get up

"what happen?"  I see my sweatpants that are on the floor and I put then on

"I have no idea, she's with dad sitting on the couch, like both serious... did you do something?" she looks at me with wide open eyes

"no! did you?"

"no! I'm not Mr. problem here" she points at me

"Funny. okay... let's find out then"


I'm sitting on the bus and with the all this annoying noise that surround me the only thing I can think about is what my parents told us. I look at Mali and she looks pretty happy talking with some other people, how can she do this?

My mom lost her job, again. So now we have to move, again. We're going to stay in the same city and in the same neighborhood , but we have to move to a apartment, what I'm used to it and to be honest I don't really mind, I quite enjoy it. I didn't unpack my stuff anyway. But is going to enter half of the money home and that worries me. maybe I should find a job ?

A sudden braking interrupts my thoughts  and everyone starts to get out. Mali waves me goodbye and she walks away with her friend, I think its James or Jim, I don't care.

I see Luke and all his team mates or whatever and I go in a different direction . Not because I don't like Luke because he's a nice dude, but I'm not in the mood from him to introduce me to all of his friends.

I lay against the wall next to the parking lot , looking at everyone that passes by. I receive a couple of embarrassed smiles from girls , do I look that much as a intimated person?

I can hear a motorcycle that comes in my direction and I quickly turn my face around to see that it just parked in front of me. The person inside that has a helmet looks in my direction and I suddenly got curious. I can notice she's a girl when she takes her coat, obviously for the most hot reason. She gets out of the motorcycle and finally takes her helmet. Her hair falls on her shoulders . Lara...fuck.

She looks at me again and she hurries up to pack her stuff. She finally starts walking with the helmet in her hands and I instantly smile when she walks to meet me.

Lara POV

I toke my motorcycle today, I wasn't feeling going with my brother, to be honest I'm not for anyone today, or the rest of my life. I know is not true, but this is how I feel this moment.

I feel the cold wind running through my body but I couldn't be more indifferent.

I feel cold, a cold person it's what I am today, it's hard to explain, it's like I have no emotions but I want to destroy everything. God, I'm weird.

I arrive to school and I park where I always do, I see Calum right in front of it and my body is frozen. What makes a contrast is that I suddenly feel a hot wave coming all over my body that makes my hands sweat, I take out my gloves and coat. I get out of the motorcycle, I have no clue what my body is doing but I feel the adrenalin on it. This is not good.

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