Chapter two - first day of school

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Yesterday was like the usual, me and Jim were at the pool for some hours but then Jim had to leave because of his sister or something, I'm not really sure.

I stayed home the rest of the day anyway and I organize my school supplies, and now here I am in the car with my brother going to hell or school as you wish.

"ready?" my brother interrupts my thoughts

"for what?"

"school." he keeps looking carefully at the road

"there's nothing to be ready, I hate that place."

"is not that bad... please don't do anything stupid this year " he warns me, last year I did maybe fight with a guy in front of everyone and well he deserve it, but I was almost expelled.

"I would never" I put my hand on my chest like I was offended

"of course, just remember what dad said " my dad... he said that I will not have more money, my motorcycle, my phone , computer well everything if I do something stupid this year.

I put my long hair in a side braid and lipstick in the little mirror in front of the seat and we arrive the school in time. I get out of the car and I wait for my brother to get out the black Lamborghini that he's so proud of, it's like he's baby. I even think he calls it that.

I notice some people looking at us (more at my brother ) and it's annoying so I decide to enter the school alone, sometimes I hate my brother. Not my brother himself but the popularity he was, some people have scare of him others just don't care about him at all.

I get to my locker that is the same since I got in this school two years ago and I put my notebooks in because I know today it's just presentation, like every year.

"hey Lara!" I know this voice its Alexis ,she and my brother have this thing that I never understood quite well, she wants him and he wants lots of girls so they're not an official thing, I know she only speaks to me to know more about him and well I always tell her to go f... away.

"oh fuck no" I whisper to myself, close my locker and I turn to her

"hi" I give her the best smile I can, but I know it's fake and she can probably tell.

"so... how was the family summer?" she meant my brother summer

"like all the others... you know, I really have to go, I'll talk with you later..." I start walking fast, to fast maybe.

"okay..." she looks at me in shook

I look back to see if she's gone and she's walking away trough the hallway with her friends.

I feel my body collide with a hard platform and I look forward that for my surprise it's a guy, he's tall with brown hair and very handsome, we change eye contact and I melt a little.

"hey watch your way!" he says aggressively and keeps walking, well he lost the handsome part just for open his mouth, rude.

I don't say anything, I don't even know what to say, I'm not used to people talking with me like that. I keep walking there's too much people in this hallways so I'm going outside, I put my headphones on and I sit in a little rock next to the cars, I just want to get out of here.

I look up and the school is empty, everyone is gone. I get up and enter the school, the hallways are empty too, shit.

I search my class room and I find it quickly that I thought, everyone is inside, great.

I open the door and everyone looks at me, I don't even bother to close the door behind me.

I go to the last row like always and there's two sits left, one next to a new guy. Wait, he's the rude gorgeous guy, he's so hot... oh shut up. but he has his bag on top of the chair besides him, he looks at me and quickly looks at his phone thats on top of the table, see other thing about him, if it was another guy that bag would be long gone for me to sit, i guess not this time.

As bad as we are nowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora