12. Hello Your Highness

Start from the beginning

"You are no one to say that" I said. 

"What? You just made things complicated back then, and are making worse now." 

"So now you will tell me? Who didn't even tell her brother about the matters? Who just acted like she was my friend whereas she really isn't…." 

Dhruv attacked at my back. Retriver and SoulHunter collided once more. He pushed me backward. I reacted with twice the original force. 

SoulHunter felt like a part of my body now. I hit on his head by using the back of my sword. Dhruv fell on the floor. 

"Can't you hear what I said? Leave him! That is an order." Vaani said. 

"You are princess right? So Princess Vaani, I am going to make your brother cry for mercy. Stop me if you can." 

I said the hot word! 

Instantly around twelve to thirteen SaptaSiddhis gathered behind Vaani. "No one can disrespect the royal family." they said in union. One of them ordered and the others took their weapons out. It seemed like a mini weaponary- swords, shields, chakrams, spears etc. 

They were thirteen and I was alone. Instantly, Chitrakshi and Karan stood by my side."I won't think I will fight against you." Karan said. 

"You and Anshu are our friends Neel. Anything for friends." Chitrakshi continued. Karan took out his katars, Chitrakshi's hairclip transformed into a mini axe or something. 

"What is it?" 

"A Tabar Shishpar." 

Vani moved her hands in an utter way, gracefully unleashing her daggers. 

"This fight will be fun" I said as the battle started. 

"Stop this!" the walls criticized us. 

I heard that walls have ears but mouth? Well, this was new.

The room froze. Others dropped their weapons, bowing. I still had SoulHunter in my hands, my head straight. I was wrong from no angle so what fear? 

"Fighting like street dogs!" 

"But, he-he started it all Guruji.." Dhruv said. So this was Guruji? I need to be more alert now onwards. "... He started this all." 

"Don't be a crybaby Dhruv. I didn't start it." 

"Shut up spy! As I was saying Guruji…" 

"So the baby is complaining again? Small little baby, small baby.. Small… Small." 

Small giggles were heard. 

"Neel Soni! I see you aren't even dropping your weapon. Want to say anything in your side?" 

"Nothing sir!" I said "... I did no wrong. So what to fear about." 

"I see. You have a lot of ego.."

"Self respect." I corrected. 

"I think you should learn some manners…

He sounded pissed off. 

"... As a punishment, you will be trained under Princess Vaani's supervision until new order. Respect her, obey her. Otherwise it won't be wise. Hope you will learn from it." 

Except me, Chitrakshi and Karan, there was a flood of joy flowing in everyone's heart. 


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