“What tale?”

            “Oh, she probably does not tell you that she tells every Elf she can find about your heroic antics.”

            My cheeks heated up. “She idolizes me.”

            “A lot of the Elves here respect you, Nimalia, especially the ones who would not have done what you had.” Warm fingers slipped through my own, faint heat radiated in the small space between our arms.

            “Do you plan to stay here with me, no matter how long?” I looked to him. I burst into giggles seeing Legolas coated in snow.

            Legolas did not bother to get the snow off of him. “Wherever you are, I am right there with you.”

            “That is a yes, then,” I concluded, sighing. “I know this is a critical thing to ask of you, Legolas, but I have to wonder: even if your father never gives his blessing, would you consider marrying me?”

            “Is this your way of proposing to me, Nimalia?”

            “Oh, no!” I panicked. “No, not at all! It was just an honest, innocent question.”

            It was Legolas’ turn to laugh. “I was only joking.” I bumped into him intentionally. He guided me to face him with his free arm. I burrowed into his chest, feeling the heat slowly warm bits of me.

            “Who would have believed that one day, I would be free?” I massaged one of his cheeks delicately. “Who would have thought that I would find someone, and of all people, a prince?”

            “Do not call yourself unworthy,” he chided.

            “I said no such thing.” I sniffled. My nose was becoming a bit numb from the cold. “I think the world put us together, as though it were written in the stars.”

            “It may have been. Whether it was by luck or destiny, we are together.” Legolas lowered his forehead to mine. My hand still rested on his face, not wanting to leave. “Nothing will change that.”

            I forgot the cold feeling in my body once our lips met. No matter the amount of kisses we shared, my body always produced the same reaction. My heart broke into a gallop; I almost instantly pulled us closer together, as though that were even possible. Legolas’ hands rested gentlemanly on my waist, where they belonged. I sometimes believed it killed him inside to keep our affection down to this level. He was not the only one; we were both ready for the next level, whatever that would turn out to be for us.

            “Gi melin,” I crooned. It was one of the very few phrases Halian had taught me. She still had a lot to teach me, but for now she was more focused on socializing. I was in no rush to learn more anyway, we had plenty of time.

            “Ci velethron e-guilen,” Legolas whispered before capturing my lips again in his.

            A loud, shrill whistle ruined our moment. I immediately felt embarrassed, noticing that Halian and her friends saw us. I hid into Legolas. I had completely forgotten the elleths and ellons were nearby. I guess that was what happened when you were with the one you loved—you forgot about your surroundings.

            I could not wait to do the same to Halian when she found someone.

            Thankfully, they all knew that we wanted to be alone. Halian was practically the leader as she led everyone away. I sighed in content. I could have never pictured my future like this. I could have never predicted what had happened to happen.

            I never pictured myself being out of the hands of the Wild Men. I had changed my fate. I had escaped them; fate had done the rest to give the new chapter in my life a start. If I had not taken action, I would not be here today. Legolas and his father would not be as well, possibly, if I had never crossed their paths. Nikita would possibly be ruling Greenwood by this point.

            If my fate had been written in any other fashion, I would have never found my silver lining. 

**Aaaaaand, cue the tissues and tears. Yes, another book has come to an end, my dear readers. I'll be honest, this book took me a long time to write, since I had to do some research on a lot of things. The final outcome has been amazing, and I couldn't be more happy to have shared this story with you all.

I will address this for a final time: Nimolas ends here. No sequel. Sorry, you guys. This has been a stand-alone since something of an idea was thought up and jotted down. 

The support on this book has been amazing. To know you guys have genuinely been enjoying this book really makes my day. The comments especially. Some of you have really gotten to like Halian, Nikita, and of course the beloved ship of Nimolas. 

However, this is not the end for me and the LOTR fandom. No, no. I still have one more story to tell. Unfortunately, I haven't touched the idea for some time, and I don't know when I will. I've got to juggle college, work, and other stories. Who knows when I will get to it? The idea can be found in my Future Works book, and whenever there is progress made, I do update that page for it :) 

As I edited this book, I really wondered what a trailer for this book would look like as well. Hint hint to the trailer makers who have been reading this :)

I guess all that's left to say now is, thank you. Thank you for giving this book the support it's been giving. I never doubted it would have trouble, considering it's a Legolas love story. I mean, even I gave into writing one, even after I thought I would never do one.

What's my next adventure, you're probably asking? Well, look in my Future Works book. That can give you a really good idea :) 

Recommend this to all who you know! Spread the word!**

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