Winter Arrives

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*The Next Afternoon*

"The dance is just a week before finals this year," Wendy muses as she looks through the dress on the mannequin. "We have to get everything today, and in just a few hours. This is the only time that we can all be together."

"Yeah, sorry about that," Krystal rubs the back of her neck. "The play has just taken over my life, and we all want this one to be the best on we have ever preformed. I can't remember working this hard before."

"It is fine," I place my hand on Krystal's shoulder. "Don't worry about it. The play comes first, and I am looking forward to seeing it. A waste-of-a-night dress comes second."

"Hey!" Bebe exclaims. "What the hell?"

"You really think it's a waste of a night?" Nicole asks. "Winter Formal and Prom are one of the best nights of high school, I think."

"I'm odd, I get it," I shrug. "And, I like staying home more than going out."

"What about dates with Kenny?" Wendy asks. "Don't you go out to eat or whatnot?"

"A date is any time we are together. So we don't have to go to a fancy restaurant for it to be a date. Just staying in playing video games is a date. As long as it is just us two, that is."

"Well, regardless, you have to come. Kenny always gets all dressed up and looks very handsome," Nicole bumps me with her hip.

"He's handsome in a t-shirt and shorts. A suit won't change that," I smirk.

"You are difficult," Bebe frowns. "We'll drag you to the dance if we have to."

"I know, I know," I wave her off. "I will go for you guys, don't worry. As long as I can wear a warm dress," I walk over to a dark blue velvet texture dress. "Like this." I quickly find my size and hang it over my arm. "Anyone need help with finding a dress?"

"I do," Wendy grabs my hand. "Meet up in twenty minutes to give a progress report."

The girls nod, and then we are breaking up and walking farther into the story.

"Something on your mind, Wendy?" I asks as we make it over to the short dresses.

"No, not more than any other day," she flashes a smile before starting to look through purple dresses. "I just like to hang out with you. I mean, I love all the girls in their own special way, but they can become a bit much at times."

"They can get a bit predictable," I nod, looking for a blue dress if I need more options. "Sometimes that can be a bit much."

"Are you saying that you aren't predictable?" She teases, pulling a dress down.

"I mean, there are things that I talk about, like art and video games, but I try to keep you all on your toes. I'm not saying that everyone does the same thing all the time, but there are patterns. Like Bebe, she likes to taunt me about Kenny, so I have learned to be able to send it right back."

"I told her to stop that," she shakes her head. "She says that anyone dating Kenny has it coming, and you know that."

"I do know that," I chuckle. "It doesn't bother me like it did the first day of school. What Kenny and I do in our private time is for us to share."

"You're still a virgin though," Wendy softly smiles at me. "Don't ask how I know, but I just know. Kenny hasn't slept with you yet, and that makes me so proud of him."

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