Troom troom continue

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"You so stuped dan" they said.

"We been planning this for years!! and if we want to get rid of the best youtuber ever we will risk our lices, we will do anything, we will wait years- YEARS- just to get rid of you for once and for all!!"

"b-but.. but i donte unerstand.. what- what i ever did to you? guy " danny said.

"You made fun of us!' says jogan and jake.

"You called me ugly and said i have no muscels!" drew said.

"and you made fun of TROOM TROOM!" Said everyone to dann.y not danny.

"But guys-" danny stutterd but when speaking something cut him off, i say something but I mean someONE.  coughed.

another cough?

cough cough.

"jake are you ok?" logan says

Danny, stop!Where stories live. Discover now