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Ichiro Nakanishi sat in his office in Kyoto, pondering what do. He had been thinking of the same thing for 2 years: how to bring his daughter, Yui, back. He couldn't simply order her because she had paid him back for everything he had ever given her and she refused to listen to reason. Complicated by the fact that she also used part of her inheritance to make sure he couldn't track her and every man he sent after her never came back. He had been trying for the past 2 years. He figured only her grandmother could bring her back, but sadly she was dead. He loathed his mother, Yui's grandmother, for putting all those ideas into his daughter's head. His own mother had taken his favorite daughter away from him. It's because of her that he could never see Yui smile.

A notification pops up on his computer. It was an email from an anonymous user. He was rather suspicious but opened it anyway. His eyes grew wide as he continued reading. "Bertram!"

"Yes, sir?" asked the butler as he came in.

"Prepare transportation to Tokyo."

"I understand. Are the madam and young mistresses coming as well?"

"Yes, tell them we're going on a family weekend."

"Understood, I'll make the preparations right away."

As Bertram left, Sir Nakanishi got up and looked out his (big ass) window to the sight of his older daughters, Chiyo and Haruka, coming back from another shopping trip. They, along with their sister, had been spoiled from the day they were born. Unlike their little sister, they were very content with receiving lavish toys and dresses. Of course, he did it because he loved them, but a part of him did it was so he could have a more firm grip on their lives. To make sure they wouldn't make choices they would later regret. Of course, he took extra measures so that they wouldn't so incompetent they wouldn't be able to run the family business (aka businesses). 

Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door. "Come in."

The door opened and in came his wife, Junko (kamakura kamakura yass queen). "What's this about spending the weekend in Tokyo?" she asked calmly as she made his way over to him.

"Actually I was hoping to spend more than 2 days," he responded while he sat back down in his chair.

"And why is that?"

"I just received an anonymous email with brief information on Yui's whereabouts."

Junko's eyes widened. "Really? How do you know it's not some troll?"

"I don't. Which is why I've already sent it to the IT team to find out who sent it."

Meanwhile, they didn't notice their 2 older daughters eavesdropping outside. Chiyo grumbled, "Ugh, there they go again talking about that little bitch."

"C'mon Chiyo, there's no point in listening. We already know what they're up to with that 'family weekend in Tokyo' bullshit", answered Haruka.

They continued walking as they made their way to their rooms. "God I swear I'd love to be rid of her," began Chiyo.

"Ya think I wouldn't," replied Haruka.

"But seriously, shouldn't we be just as important? Like what so special about Yui?"

"I'd like to know that, too."

"Ever since she left, it's all they talk about. 'Oh no, our most spoiled daughter is gone! What to do?' "

"I bet the reason she left was that she wasn't getting anything to her standards. That attention whore."

It was true that Yui had always gotten the best out of all three. Due to her never smiling or hardly showing any emotion, their parents always spoiled her the most. This left Chiyo and Haruka to the side most of the time. Of course they also always got what they wanted, but since they were always happy their parents spent most of the time focusing on Yui. Unsurprisingly, they grew up to hate her. Especially when their parents gave Yui things she didn't even ask for and she got the largest sum of their grandmother's will.

After a while, Haruka broke the silence. "You know, I also got an email. But, instead it was about Yui's choker."

"Huh? You mean the one she got from Grandma?" asked Chiyo.

"Yeah, it turns out it's a cursed necklace that turns you part snake. It also comes with a spirit servant."

"Please, like it can really do that."

"You have a point. But, how else can you explain the fact that the people Dad sent after her never come back? Plus, they're mafia level hitmen, martial art experts, and professional kidnappers." 

"I dunno she could've just bribed 'em. Wouldn't be that hard since the little bitch has legit billions."

"Most of them signed a contract of fielty just so Dad was sure they wouldn't betray him. Besides, Mom and Dad are STILL willing to pay anything to get her back."

"Fair point."

"As I was saying, the choker can also supposedly give very durable scales and an immense healing factor. However, I might've found a weapon that could kill her." 

"Wow! Not that I'm not happy, but where was that dedication during school?"

"Shut up! Anyway, I did a little research and came across a sword that could get rid of Yui. It's called Harpe. It was used by Perseus when he killed the Medusa."

"So you're saying that since it killed a greek hideous snake monster, it could kill a japanese one? Makes sense."

"But, we'll need to convince Dad to get it fo us."

"Eh, we'll think of something."


Izaya woke up crying again. The nightmares were on a whole other level than when they started; it had only been a few weeks. He looked out his bedroom window. It was sunrise. It had been this way since the nightmares started. He'd got to sleep, have nightmares, and always wake up crying at sunrise. The same pattern every day. It was starting to get old, but no less traumatizing. The nightmares left him worried about the people around him, hell even Shizuo. It left him worried that everyone would leave him. 

He got up and began going about his day. He made himself some coffee and began typing on his computer. His phone began ringing. Dark thought began pouring into his head: memories of his nightmares. "Hey Izaya, sorry it took so long to get back at you."

"Never mind that," Izaya responded, rather relieved to hear his friend's voice. "Do you have any results on the venom? I assume you called because you did."

"Well yeah, you see this venom appears to have some psychological effect on the brain. It somehow uses the victim's greatest fears or emotional turmoils to create nightmares that only seem to get worse over time."

"Yes, I already know that much. Do you have an antidote?"

"No. Yui's right. The venom will only stop once you deal with your fears and emotional turmoils."

"You sound happy about this Shinra. Are you enjoying it when your friends go through traumatic experiences?"

"I thought you liked it when that happened? After all, it's your hobby as well as a part of your job."

"Hehe. You got me there. Well done Shinra."

"Still, your right I AM happy. After all, Yui seems to be offering an opportunity for you to get better. Sometimes you need to break down to get better. She's got you figured out and so far you've had no luck getting rid of her. I suggest you take her advice and face your problems. You know if you need hel-"

Izaya hung up, without realizing his eyes began to water. Shinra was wrong. Izaya found a way. He already has the pieces, all he needs now is one final item: the Harpe. 

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