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Yui sat down on the bars of the ledge on the rooftop of her apartment. She looked down at all the city lights. It was a beautiful sight. Orochi was on her lap, much smaller than his true form. Nights like this were when she didn't feel the need to hide her less-human side. Orochi's head shot up and he was on high alert. "Master, someone is on their way up."


"It's Orihara."


When Izaya opened the door, it was quite the sight. He saw Yui's back and shoulders covered in scales, glistening in the moonlight. He began walking towards her. "I had a feeling you weren't entirely human, and now you've shown what you really are. I'm guessing it comes with the choker."

He leans on bars and begins to caress her cheek. This made a shiver run down her spine. She wanted to move away, but one wrong move and she would plummet to the ground below. Sure Orochi could save her and even if he didn't she would still survive thanks to her "mutation". However, it was a lot more inconvenient and there was a color gang hanging down there. She glared at him. "What do you want Orihara?"

"What not even a hello? That's no way to treat a friend," he stopped caressing her and began to play with a lock of her hair.

"We aren't friends. If anything I would've killed by now," she responded as she went back to looking at the city.

"Oh," he chuckled. "Then why aren't I dead yet?"

She turned to him and said, "Because I pity you. You're so lonely despite being surrounded by others who can help you."

His grin disappeared. His eyebrows furrowed. He was clearly angry. Angry she dared say that, think that. The fact that she was not only onto him but also isn't afraid to say it was very unsettling. She managed to get an advantage over him and he didn't like it one bit. "I'm right aren't I?"

He glared at her as she looked back at him. He hated how she was looking at him. How she stared at her with those same blood red snake eyes. "What's wrong cat got your tongue?" 

 His smirk returned. "There are some things you should stay away from. Talking about such things will get into trouble. Trouble that even Orochi won't be able to save you from."

"You of all people should know considering what you do for a living. But, I guess what I said was a little much. As an apology I guess I help you deal with it," she declared as she stepped back onto the roof. Orochi moved from her lap and wrapped himself around her arm. "Tell me do you hate Shizuo?"

"Of course I do. He's nothing but a protozoan who refuses to control his anger."

"All right then."

Izaya suddenly felt a sharp pain on his shoulder. Before he could process what was happening, Yui already had her fangs deep in his skin injecting the venom. As she let go, he pushed her away and he took several steps back. He placed his hand over the wound, hissing at the pain. "How exactly is this helping? It seems as if you're trying to feed on me."

She wiped off the blood from her lips and licked it off her fingers. "What I was actually doing was injecting some venom. Don't worry it won't kill you, it won't do anything. But, it will give you nightmares. And those nightmares will continue until you learn to face your feelings and come to a mentality that makes you seek help with them. Consider that helping."

With that Yui's appearance went back to being human and she went back inside. Izaya stood there contemplating what he should do. First, obviously he would go to Shinra to take a look at the wound. But what next? If what she said was true then he would be in for a hard time. He knew what she meant when she said he was lonely. That itself was a problem. He laughed. "Then I guess I'll just have to throw all I have at you, won't I? I swear Yu-chan, you never fail to keep me entertained!"


Shinra was sitting down on the couch enjoying a nice cup of tea. Celty walked in and sat beside him. "How did the job do?"

She pulled out her phone and began typing (btw whenever Celty talks just pretend she's typing plz). "It went well. I was lucky the cops didn't chase me this time."

Then, they heard a knock on the door. Shinra answered it and saw Izaya standing there with 2 small bloody holes on his shirt. "Hi Shinra, long time no see. I know this is sudden but could you take a look at my shoulder for a bit?"

Shinra looked at him and sweatdropped. "Uh, sure. Come in."

Izaya walked in and sat on the couch. "Hi, Celty. How's my favorite transporter doing?"

Celty began typing. "Never mind me! What happened to your arm?!"

"It's a funny story actually."

As Shinra patched him up, Izaya told them what happened. Celty felt less worried and more satisfied. "Ha! That's what you get for messing with Yui!"

Shinra began rummaging through a cabinet. He pulled out a syringe needle. "If she really did inject venom into you, then it's probably in your bloodstream. If that's really the case, then I'll have to take some samples."

Izaya looked back at him and responded, "Yeah, sure."

He finished and placed the needle inside his pocket. "That should be it. I'll give you a call in a few days. If I find anything interesting you'll be the first to know."

"Alright, thanks," he replied as he put his t-shirt back on. "I'll be leaving now. Thanks again."

He walked out, leaving the young couple alone. Celty turned to Shinra. "Hey Shinra, do you think Yui will be able to get to him?"

He got up and opened the cabinet on the other side of the room. "I don't know. But if so, she might be able to help him get over his issues. And if we're lucky, less of an asshole."

He pulled out the needle and placed it on a slip of glass. He placed it under the microscope and looked through the lenses. "Huh, this is really interesting."

"What is it?" his lover asked.

"It seems the venom is pretty easy to see inside his bloodstream. Could be because of how potent it might be (i just made that up)."

"So that means . . ."

"That if this venom really will cause him psychologically-based nightmares he is gonna be in for a really rough time."

"I call that karma."


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