Chapter 18: Additional Siblings

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The sun peeked from behind the clouds to brighten his room. Hondo woke up to get ready for work. Minutes after that he is in our kitchen making breakfast. Coffee is going through the usual process that morning.

He gave me another five minutes before he came into my room. Baby girl it's time to wake up for school. I am still sleeping. This worries Hondo a lot. A re enforcement is located and called.

Phone call

Hondo: Hey Street

Street: Boss

Hondo: how are you?

Street: good and you

Hondo: your sister is still sleeping

Street: I'll be right over

Hondo: Bye Kid

Street: see you soon

end of call

Our apartments and house are now alive and noisy. He makes his lunch to put it in the bag with his name on it. Two mugs are left on the island. As for the team copied this routine. Their meals are finished on the stoves.

"Street come on eat something please," Luca begged.

"No, I will eat when I arrive to Hondo's," he replied to his roommate.

Duke is next to him for comfort. He is petting him now. My brother gets up to get a pack of pop tarts for me. Hondo just called to say that Dreamer isn't up for school yet. As for T was out of it for a while. It is very scary seeing her like that. Graceland already knows about this Luca. Don't tell me that I need to call Johnny. Sounds like only Hector's can fix this problem 

Minutes after that Captain America grabbed his stuff. He drove all the way over to our apartment. Captain America puts down my pop tarts on the island. He walks into the room gets in the bed for a few minutes. I rolled over to face him. Dreamer you're going to be late for school.

I jumped out of the bed. Captain America walked back to the kitchen. She's up now boss. The mugs of coffee are mixed and my breakfast is in the toaster. You can have her breakfast just warm it Kid. Minutes after that I joined them at the table.

Breakfast is promptly served at 7:45 am. Everyone dished out our food to eat. The team sat in our assigned seats at the tables. We ate together like one big happy family. Soon after eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

The team grabbed our stuff while exchanging goodbyes to each other. Later on, we locked our front doors. All of us went to our cars and trucks. Our apartments and house were left vacant. As for the team went to our headquarters.

Both of us are settled in the car. James please just blame it on him. He removes one of his hands from the wheel to rubs circles into it. Wait a minute this must be serious no one uses my real name. Thought that I was kidding when I told you that yesterday.

He walks me into class that morning.

"Can I speak to you outside?" He asked.

" Yes you can Officer," My teacher answered.

My sister had an episode yesterday at work. She might fall asleep in class today.

Please call me so I can save you number in my phone. She dialed his number. Your the big brother to Tia. Two for two already today you're smart. He waves goodbye to me from the door.

Captain American heads to work. He puts his stuff in the locker and then went into the briefing room. Dreamer settled down fine next to her classmate this morning. She called me by first name. It took her long enough. Assignments are handed out in both location.

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