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"Morining!!!!" I yelped and fell to the floor hearing Camille's loud screech. "Uhg, Camille it's too early" "It's 10 Daniella you'll survive" Chris said walking in the living room with a bowl of bacon. Adam walked down the stairs wearing black skinny jeans-with no shirt. I found myself staring at his abs, his chuckle caused my head to snap in the opposite direction hoping I didn't get caught. "Go get dressed now we're going shopping" Camille said rushing me upstairs. "Ok, ok privacy" I said closing the door as I walked in her bathroom. I took a quick shower, I wonder if Uncle Marcus noticed I was gone. As I got out of the shower I realized I didn't have a towel. I opened the door, gasped when I saw Adam sittin on the bed, and quickly closed the door. "Daniella, you alright?" "Erm, yeah...uhh do you see a purple towel out there?". "...Yes" I could feel the smirk in his voice, I rolled my eyes, "Can you give it to me?". "You're so far away!" he pretended to whine, I sighed, "Adaaaaaaam!" "Save that for the right time babe" I blushed scarlet. I cracked the door open so I could see him, "Close your eyes" he sighed and closed his eyes, "Ok..now, turn around" he sighed once again and turned around.

I quickly ran and got the towel, as soon as I wrapped it around myself he turned around, looked at my legs and smirked. "Nice thighs" I threw a pillow at him, "Leave so I can change" "No" I was getting really frustrated with him. "Fine..." I said. I made sure my towel was securely wrapped around me and grapped my panties, I leave some of my extra clothes here for when I sleepover. I slipped them on along with my bra. Once they were on I dropped my towel to the ground, his eyes widened as he stared my body up and down. It was just like wearing a bikini so it didn't matter that much. I put my orange crop top on with the letters "ILY"(I'm Leaving You) on it, black shorts with orange leggings, a snapback saying "OBEY", and VANS. Yes my style of clothing does change a lot, one day I'm casual, next I'm all Hip and new. Adam was still staring at me wide eyed, I had to snap my fingers multiple times in his face for him to come out of his mini coma. "Are you ok" he smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine" he said but there that look was again. Lust. I ignored his look and put my make-up on, "Don't you're so beautiful without it" he said stopping me as I was appilying my mascara. I eyed him and ut the make-up away. He never acted like this towards me, it was so...pleasuring.

We walked downstairs seeing Chris and Camille cuddling and watching SpongeBob. We sat down, I checked my messages noticing that I had 15 messages not read.

Uncle Marcus; Come home now!

Uncle Marcus; If you don't come home now I swear!!

Uncle Marcus; You whore you're having sex aren't you, you deserve to die you deserve to go with you're stupid parents who didn't want you anyway!

I chose not to read any more of them as I felt the tears swell up. I pushed them away seeing Adam looking at me worried, I gave him a small smile and pretended like I was watching TV. No matter how happy I'll be, the pain will never stop. I dragged my backpack closer to me and took out something. I looked at Camille, "Cam, do you still have that thing for me in you're special room?" " o.O Uhm...OH, yeah" she said finally catching on. I chuckled and walked ustairs to the room, I slowly opened it seeing her beautiful piano, I envied her sometimes, she had a piano, but never used it. I closed the door walking inside and sat down near it. I smiled and took my music sheet out

"I just can't believe you're gone

Still waiting for morning to come

Wanna see if the sun will rise even without you by my side

When we have so much in store tell me what is it I'm reaching for

When we're through building memories I'll hold yesterday in my heart

In my heart


They can take tomorrow and the plans we made

They can take the music that we never played

All the broken dreams take everything

Just take it away

But they can never have yesterday

They can take the future that we'll never know

They can take the places that we said we would go

All the broken dreams take everything

Just take it away

But they can never have yesterday

You always used to say I should be thankful for every day

Heaven knows what the future holds or at least how the story goes

(But I never believed them till now)

I know I'll see you again I'm sure no it's not selfish to ask for more

One more night one more day

One more smile on your face but they can't take yesterday

They can take tomorrow and the plans we made

They can take the music that we never played

All the broken dreams take everything

Just take it away

But they can never have yesterday

They can take the future that we'll never know

They can take the places that we said we would go

All the broken dreams take everything

Just take it away

But they can never have yesterday

I thought our days would last forever

(But it wasn't our destiny)

'Cause in my mind we had so much time

But I was so wrong

Now I can believe that I can still find the strength in the moments we made

I'm looking back on yesterday

They can take tomorrow and the plans we made

They can take the music that we never played

All the broken dreams take everything

Just take it away

But they can never have yesterday

They can take the future that we'll never know

They can take the places that we said we would go

All the broken dreams take everything

Just take it away

But they can never have yesterday

All the broken dreams take everything

But they can never have yesterday"

The tears spilled and spilled, I wrote this song for my Parents letting them know that the memories were forever in my heart. I sobbed roughly, my breath got stuck in my throat as I felt strong arms wrap around me and soft lips kiss my forehead. I looked into Adam's eyes and let him pull me inot his chest as I cried my eyes out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2012 ⏰

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