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BANG! BANG! BANG! (*Sigh*) "Up now!" I cursed under my breath and slowly sat up. I clutched my stomach whimpering softly, it was bad to have terrible cramps in my stomach but it was worse to have six deep bruises on them. I limped my way to my bathroom and stripped down carefully getting in the shower. It did hurt a little as the hot water splashed my bruised skin but it also felt really good. I got out minutes later wrapping a towel around myself, I walked out of the bathroom and put my outfit on. Black flats, light blue jeans, black tank top, and purple cardigan. It was casual, and I liked it that way. I pulled my bangs back with my pink Bobby pin and applied my make-up. I sighed staring at myself in the mirror. Why am I ugly? I sighed and walked downstairs, once I made sure there was no sight of my Uncle, I ran out the door. I saw my best friend, Camille, sitting in her gray Range Rover humming to one of her favorite songs. She saw me and motioned for me to come, I smiled and made my way in her care as she drove off.

"So, guess what I did for my bestie yesterday?" I gave her an unsatisfied look not ready for the next thing to come out of her mouth. She giggled, "I got you a date" she sung happily. My eyes widened as I shook my head, "Relax, relax you know him and you won't be alone it's a double date and you're going with THE Adam Wesley!" I would've yelled at her for being so thoughtless and careless about this, if only my throat wasn't so sore though. I couldn't count how many times helplessly screamed when Uncle Marcus beat me. The horrid memories flashed through my mind but I vigorously pushed them away not wanting him to get in my mind. "You're not mad at me are you?" her innocent brown orbs stared into mine. I weakly smiled and shook my head, I could never be mad at her she may do thoughtless things but she has her reasons. She smiled and giggled, "Good cuz' the date's Friday night" she said. I groaned loudly casuing her to laugh, sure I had four days but still I just didn't want to go! Yes Adam was SO hot but he's my bully and he hates me guts (*sigh*) this will not go well I can feel it.

We finally got to school and walked inside the building. I kept my eyes glued down to the ground not wanting to see anybody. I hated school, it was misery, it was jail, but I needed the education, and this was the only way. Our school isn't that bad though we go to a Performing Arts school you know, for all those talented people. I honestly don't know why I got accepted. On my audition for this school I sung "The First Time Ever I saw Your Face" which I learned by my favorite singer Leona Lewis. I admit, when I recorded myself I didn't sound so bad, not bad at all. But still, this school is for professional's and I'm not really one of them. As I lost sight of Camille I made my way to my locker getting my Choir things ready. Only to see the bastard himself, Adam Wesely. I tried to ignore his gaze at me, our lockers were right next to each other making it easier for him to mess with me. I got irritated as his gaze got more intense turning into a glare. "What?" I whispered taking a glance at him. "You know, I don't know why you just won't kill yourself, nobody likes you, you're so ugly" every word stung me but I'm strong and I'll get over it. "Sorry, next time I'll remember not to wake up in the morning just for you" I said facing him, then walked away to my first period hearing the loud bell ring.

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