Sammi or Mixi

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Mixi POV

I had just gotten out of a conversation with Sammi, she has a plan.

(A few days later)

Sammi and I had dressed exactly the same. I skipped to the arena while Sam went to the gym. Sam was keeping me alive when she could have abandoned me, i still don't understand how she could trust me after a few days but she does, kinda either way I agreed to things in return.

I got out of my daydream as i got to the arena, fans were screaming "Sammi!!!" begging for my attention hehe if only they new. I didn't bother with any "hey" or "I love you". Thats not what Sammi would do, I simply smirked and kept going.

I got into the arena and wondered the quiet hallways, "Sammi!!" I heard someone call from behind, I turned to see a two toned tanned guy walking towards me with an evil smirk. Great. He must be in Sam's words "two toned douche princess with a weird voice".... This ought to be hell.

Seth POV

I saw her walking alone. Being alone while you have enemies is stupid especially in our area of work. So stupid. I called out to her and she turned, I smirked evilly but she looked like she was trying not to laugh. Are. You. Serious. She thinks my anger is funny?? How much of a moron can this girl get?

I stopped inches in front of her yet instead of looking intimidated she still looked amused. Does she want hell to raise??

I raised my hand to slap her coz this bitch is pissing me off but a hand from behind caught me. I tilted my head to see Dean mother fucken Ambrose. "Awh romeo came to save the day?" I taunted, then I felt a sharp pain on my head then everything went black.

Dean Ambrose POV

I came out of the shadows to find Seth about hit Sammi, oh hell no!! I grabbed his wrist and Sammi hit with a frying pan, Dafuq? when did she have a frying pan? Wait, I looked behind Sammi to see another Sammi. WHAT.THE.FUCK?? I'm either seeing double or Sammi is a twin. Wait, twin, oh shit! We are all skrewed. I lost my train of thought and ran. Yes, I, the tough lunitic fringe, Dean Ambrose ran away from two girls but understand this, Sammi is lethal on her own, I don't even wanna get on her bad side but two Sammi's is a death trap waiting to explode, I do not want to die today ok. Which ever Sammi if was, was still holding a frying pan and I have a feeling she won't be cooking me bacon anytime soon.

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