Do what you gotta do

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Harmony's Outfit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Harmony's P

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Harmony's Outfit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Harmony's P.O.V

I smiled a little bit as we walked to Voodoyoudo shop i know my place around since i use to babysit Celia i come here alot

"Daddy!" Celia yelled as i smiled as Dr.
Facilier smiled

"Here she is come on. And... And" Dr. Facilier said as i smiled a little bit as they did there hand shake see not all villains hate there kids

"Come here little rascal, Una it's good to see you again!" Dr. Facilier said as i smiled a little bit

"Good to see you two Dr. Facilier" i said with a smile

"So what kind of hustle you two got going with them shiny people?" Dr. Facilier asked as i smriked a bit

"No hustle we got friends on the other side" i said with a small smile Celia gave me a smile as i put my arm around her

"Ah! I hear you. I hear you" Dr. Facilier said making me smile a bit

"We're on a mission i'm kind of a major player so that's why i can't stay long" Celia said as she hugged her dad

"So two make sure you get your cut" Dr. Facilier said as i nodded a little bit

"Uh, guys. Come look at this" Carlos said as me and Celia walked over

"There are rumors that sleeping beauty's daughter Audrey, is behind the spell we're trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies and which villain has perpetrated this evil. We have an update. It's what? It's moving this way it is moving this way" the repoter said as the camera fell on the floor me and Celia looked at each other worriedly

"Come on later Dr. Facilier" i said as i waved as we walked off we saw Harry Gil and others on our bikes

"Wow rookie mistake" Carlos said i turned to him

"Long time no see?" Harry asked as i

"Get off my bike, Hook!" i said glaring as Mal held me back Gil didn't need to be told twice knowing it's not a good idea to make me angry

"Catch me if you can Jay" Harry said as the road off

"Over the roofs. Cut them off" Carlos said as me and Celia was going to follow them but Mal stoped us

"Harm Celia we got this you two go fine the ember we'll meet at the barrier" Mal said as i nodded and smiled at Celia

"right Let's go kid" i said as Celia smiled at me

"Good timing. It's right about it's nap time" Celia said as we walked to the cave

"Um how big is the dog?" I asked as Celia smiled at me

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