They heard yells and screams, all of them silent, wishing they could go in now to help.

"Ready Bryce?" Hail nodded to herself when she felt it was time for action.

"Hold up." Lee interrupted, putting his large arm out. "Something's coming." They all paused and listened. ANother car was coming down the street; a yellow van with a woman inside. She parked across the street then looked at all the cars as she walked up to the front door. There was another scream and she quickly disappeared inside, only to yell herself. A few moments passed before the group heard another car door open. A large man in a black suit came out with a gun and shut the door.

"Is that the Boss Libby was telling us about?" Rain asked.

"I think so..." Matthew replied quietly. The friends watched was the man opened to door and shot the gun.

"Mom!" I voice shouted a second later. Matthew recognized it.

"Lily! They're after Lily!"

"Who?" the gang whispered at the same time.

"The last of the Chosen." Matthew said. He got up and started jogging to a nearby window on the side of the house, grass crunching beneath his feet. His friends followed. "That's why he wanted to come here. To get her." Matthew pointed to a the last conscious girl inside the house. She was medium height, and had chin-length brown hair. Her back was to them. "Hail. Get inside with Bryce. Now."

Hail nodded and grabbed onto to Bryce, closing her eyes. Both of them disappeared into thin air a moment later. The other three looked back to the window just in time to see Lily being shot with a sleeping dart. She stumbled from side to side, then fell to the ground.

"Lily!" Matthew yelled. Lee covered his mouth to muffle his screams.

"Mat chill. She'll be fine."

"But they have her Lee." Rain put a hand on Matthew's shoulder. He grabbed at Lee's hand until he let go. Matthew gasped for air for a second.

Then there was a crage of electricity traveling through the house. "Stand back!" Rain said, taking a step backwards. The three watched as everyone in the room was electrocuted. The men in white suits went down. The Boss went to his knees, then got back up a moment later. He looked around, then another bolt of electricity hit him. He yelled and closed his eyes in pain. Then they saw Hail teleport into the room, grab Lily, and teleport out to the backyard. Lee went to help her with Lily. The Boss was still up though, breathing.

"What do you say we hit him in the head with the couch?" Rain asked with a laugh.

"You bet." Matthew chuckled. They both raised their arms to the big couch in the center of the room. It started to lift and they raised their arms higher, making the couch go with them. Matthew and Rain laughed as they watched the Boss stare at them with anger in his eyes. A moment later the couch launched at him and shot him out of the house, through the door, and into the cars. There was a big crash and a crush from metal. Rain and Matthew both looked at each other in shock and high fived each other.

"Wonder what kind of damage was done." Rain laughed. Matthew was about to reply when Lee came up to them. Lily was slung over his shoulders, limp. Her hair stayed side to side.

Matthew looked around. "Where's Hail and Bryce?" he asked.

"They're coming hold up." A second later the two appeared behind the group. Hail was on one knee, Bryce on her back. He looked knocked out too. Hail took heavy breaths. She looked tired.

"What happened?" Lee picked up Bryce and carried him like a baby.

"Thanks." Hail sighed and stood up. She rocked back and forth, almost falling. Rain took her arm, helped Hail stand. "When I got back inside, Bryce was just lying there. He must had fainted from using to much energy in his shocks."

"He must have been heavy. You look exhausted Hail." Rain commented with a cheerful smile.

In the distance, the sound of alarms and sirens echoed, getting louder each second.

"I guess there is when we go. You think you do all of us Hail?" Matthew tilted his head.

"Yea." Hail nodded as Rain released her grip. Everyone put a hand on her and Hail closed her eyes, concentrating all her power and energy to her mind. A second later, the group disappeared as quickly as they came.


Police cars parked in front of the Idaha house. Sirens blared, neighbors slowly coming out of their houses to see what was going on. A few men dressed in matching blue and black gear came out of the cars, guns out and loaded.

A voice com came from one of the vehicles. "General Kit, sir, we have a problem, over." A man which blue and black hear, and a Blue general hat looked to to voice com.

"Alright." He said as if it were one of his teammates. The general stepped out of the car and walked up to the front. He glanced at the door. It was broken, the doorframe ruined, ripped off of the house. Inside he saw men in white outfits, a lady, and a teenager, all knocked out on the ground. He glared in suspicion.

Four of his men were there by one of the black cars that have been there when they came. They were blocking what they were looking at.

"Move." The general said, pushing them out of the way lightly. What he saw made him cringe. A shaky hand went to his walkie talkie. "Um...we are here at the Idaha residence. We seem to have a large man knocked out. He was...crushed into a vehicle by a...couch, over."

"What!?" A voice came from the walkie talkie. "Your kidding, right general?"

"No sir, I'm afraid I'm not." There was a pause.

"Fine. I'm sending my top investigators over to look at the situation. Stay put until they get there. Make sure no one touches the scene."

"Copy that sir." The general said into the walkie talkie.

Hope you like this chapter too :P

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