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A week later Ben's finally released from the hospital and he arrives home to find the cutest puppy bouncing around at his feet. "Aww!!!!!" "Just got him yesterday, thought he'd keep you company while I'm in the studio and you're on bedrest." He picks the puppy up and fiddles with him before kissing you 'thanks' on the forehead. "He still needs a name by the way." Ben spends a second twirling the poor thing around like he's inspecting it before turning to you, "how about... Buggles" "Buggles? What the fuck's a buggles?" He shrugs, "but doesn't he look like a Buggles?" "No he looks more like a Robert." "What the fuck, Robert's so boring, we're calling him Buggles." You sigh in defeat, "Fine, he is yours after all."

You spend the next few weeks taking care of your two angels, despite Ben's protests. "Y/n!!! Stooooop!!!!! Take a break or something." "But Ben I need to do this now so that-" "it doesn't matter right now just come cuddle with us." By "us" he means you and your 'baby' Buggles. You flop on the bed , Ben pulling you close. You lay on him, stomach to stomach as Buggles plonks on your bum, his favourite spot.


You guys had a pretty epic wedding, it was everything you'd ever wanted and so much more. You guys were at the most beautiful location and even though it had rained the entire week leading up to the big day, it was the perfect weather on your day. Everyone close to the both of you came to celebrate and the reception was unique just like you.

You had an even more epic honeymoon, if you know what I mean... tehe. You stayed in the perfect location, peaceful for a changed and all that fluffy stuff.


Eventually you had kids, you know, when you start to slow down. Life happened, it was cute. You had a boy named Brady then a girl, Geneva. They turned out to be pretty epic kids, well of course, you and Ben being their parents. Geneva came out as bi when she was 17 and you were supportive and understanding, Ben making the occasional inappropriate joke.


Weddings were attended and unfortunately so we're more funerals but it didn't matter, as long as you had each other you could get through anything.

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