part 7

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-Three months later-

You and Avery had promised the fans that (b/n) would still be performing at Warp despite losing the band's drummer; you know Heather would have wanted it that way.

*Last day of Warp Tour*

You've been having a great time and the fans have been more than accepting towards your new drummer, Justin, Heather's second cousin who filled in for Heather once when she broke her wrist.

(B/n) just finished the last set and now you're standing backstage, bouncing around with Sam as he hypes up to perform while you work of all the pumping adrenaline. You always help prep up the guys before they go off to perform.

You poke Ben in the ribs, "what are you so freaked out about, you've done this like a million times." He eases up as he looks at your silliness, still busy bouncing. "Nothing, it's nothing, just promise you'll stay on the side of the stage where I can see you." You frown slightly a little confused but agree anyway. You're usually in the crowd when they perform so this is a little out of character, "sure, I won't move." You notice he lets out a nervous sigh so you gently turn his face to look at you, "serious Ben, what's on your mind?" He stammers incoherently before Danny taps his back, cuing him to go on stage, leaving you answerless.

You're extremely curious so you adhere to Ben's request; ensuring that throughout their set you're stage left, in fully view of your other half. After they finish performing A Prophecy, the guys take a breather. Danny takes the mic with a huge smile which suggests something mischievous and looks at you then Ben then the crowd.

"Okay guys so you all know Ben and (y/n) are the cutest couple in the world right?" The crowd 'whooos' in agreement, "well Ben has something important he wants to say to her so I'm gonna call her up." He turns to you and motions for you to come out but you shake your head, "well it looks like she's feeling a little shy, I'm gonna need you guys to help me call her out." The crowd starts chanting your name and Avery pushes you on stage, the crowd cheers as you make your way over to the guys, hoping your face isn't as red as it feels. Danny hands the mic to Ben who turns to you.

The crowd is dead silent as Ben takes your hand in his, "(Y/n), you know we've been through a lot this past year and it made me realise that we make a great team so..." The crowd's silence is now exchanged for enthusiastic screams when Ben gets on one knee but their sounds are drowned out by the sound of your heart pounding in your ears, "(y/n) (s/n) (l/n), will you make this team official? Will you marry me?" If your face wasn't red before, it's certainly red now as you try speaking but no words seem to form. You nod quickly and the crowd bursts into cheers and 'awws' again. Ben slips the platinum ring on your shaking hand and gives it a kiss before you excuse yourself backstage so the guys can carry on with their set.

After they finish, you hang out a little before having to rush to your band's signing, having completely forgotten you have one, even though you make it to the tent on time. When you're done you and Avery head over to the guys to quickly say goodbye, before taking Avery to the airport. You drop her off and say your goodbyes, urging her to greet the Greek half of her family for you.

(A/N: Okay I realise that realistically, "home" shouldn't be so close to where Warp is but just roll with it okay?)

You enter the driveway as your phone rings. "Hey babe. We just finished up so we're leaving now."

"Hey hey, alright well Avi just boarded so I'll meet you at home, k?"

"K I'm on my wa- shit!"

"Babe?" You hadn't realised Ben was driving until you hear something crash and your heart practically stops. "Are you there...? Ben?" No, not again, please I can't take it a second time. Please, no. "BEN?"

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