A Strange Pull - The Wolf Pack

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I found myself somewhere in a forest and looked around, soon following an animal's path until I found him.

A wolf who, while he seemed a bit mixed up, I couldn't tell how. I just knew he needed protection. Him and his pack needed my help. And I knew this wolf, somehow, but I had no idea where, I just knew he was very familiar. I helped him barricade paths, joined in the hunting, and made sure no humans could find us.

At some point, in a part of the forest that was a campground for humans, a place that we had yet to find a way to safely clear, a car I thought I recognized drove by. I pulled a hood over my face to 'hide' until they passed, soon running back home with the stolen food, not even realizing I had shifted.

By the time I got back, the wolves we staring at a human.

I recognized him and soon told the others to back away, he was a friendly.

After a few minutes, they did.

I started trying to talk to the human, only to realize I was shifted, and, as soon as I figured out how, slowly changed back to human.

His eyes widened. "Zina?!"


Also, when I woke, I had the strongest urge to howl, ended up doing so quietly.

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