Ch 1.

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(Y/n) pov.

King Stupid: You will bow to me and become my plaything you stupid girl!

He throws a pathetic excuse of a fire ball at me. That I just absorbed

(Y/n)thoughts: This is so tiring and pointless. Thanks to this jackass I can never live in peace. I should just kill him and head to another world. Maybe their I can at least not be fighting all the time. I might be able to find my deadly sins. Possibly start a family that would be nice.

King Stupid: Why (fireball) won't (fireball) you (fireball) die? (Fireball)

I absorbed them all and caught the last one.

(Y/n): You are far to weak to even put a scratch on me. Not to mention stupid I have full control over fire yet you throw fireballs at me. If you sent ice attacks at me you might have given me a paper cut. Now let me show you what true power is.

I put some of my own magic in the fireball turning it from a pale yellow to a pure black before sending it straight at him. Vaporizing him the moment it touched him.

(Y/n): Well that's done. Now let's see if I can find the right spell in my grimoire.

(Y/n): Here it is. A spell to take me to another world. Shit it seems like it will take almost every ounce of magic I have for it to work. But it beats having to stay here.

3rd pov.

With that (Y/n) cast the spell and blacked out because of the amount of magic she had to use. When she woke up she was in a cave.

(Y/n) pov.

Well I'm in a cave ehh it's still better than being in my old world. It's going to be a while before my magic comes back fully. Hmmm? What's this powerful magical aura I'm picking up? It feels as powerful as I am at full strength.

I decided to go find out what was giving off the powerful aura. I let out my devil attributes.

 I let out my devil attributes

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nd flew in the direction from were the aura was coming from. About 2 hours later I found the cause of the aura. It seemed to be coming from a large storm dragon inside some kind magic seal.

3rd pov.

The dragon noticed (Y/n)s presences.

Dragon: I know your there come on out little one. No need to be scared. My name is Veldora the storm dragon one of the four true dragons the strongest beings in the world.

(Y/n): Okay one Don't call me little one. Two no offense but you are far from scary to me. And last but not least I am (Y/n) the Devil ruler of chaos, fire, death darkness/shadows, metal, anti-magic, and fear.

Veldora: HUH. Me not scary to you. And what is a Devil I've never heard of them before.

(Y/n): When you're been to the underworld and killed the things I've kill for 1,800 years you tend to lose fear of most things. And to put it simply a Devil would be the opposite of a God at least that's how it was in my old world you see I got sick of every one blaming me for all the bad things that happened to them or kings demanding that I bow to them or become their mistress. Now that we have that out of the way may I ask why are you sealed in here?

Veldora: Interesting. And as to how I got sealed away. I accidentally burned down a village and a hero came to defeat me half way through the battle I started using my full strength. AND I STILL LOST. I've been stuck here for the last three hundred years with my magic slowly leaking out of me. I probably have about one hundred years left before my magic runs out and then I die.

(Y/n): That's rough. Hey if you want I could probably break that sealing spell for you and have you stay in my dark dimension until you fully recover.

Veldora: HUH! You would do that. And forgive me for doubting yo but I don't sence much power from you.

(Y/n): Well using a spell to teleport to a different world takes up a lot of magic power. And unfortunately I've never been one to have my magic recover quickly. I focused more on having my body regenerate itself to the point making me near immortal as long as I got a little to no magic left. Though I still feel the pain the same as anyone else. And why wouldn't I try to help a fellow monster you have yet to attempt to kill me hell you haven't even tried to insult or belittle me. That makes you the closest thing to a friend I've ever had. Everyone in my old world just wanted me dead.

Veldora: I am very sorry to hear that you must have had a tough life. I would be happy to be you first friend and to have you as mine.

(Y/n): Thank you Veldora. Now let's see what I can do.

(Y/n) pulls out her grimoire. And brings out an anti-magic knife.

 And brings out an anti-magic knife

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(Y/n): This should do.

Veldora: How do you expect to bring down the seal with that?

(Y/n): Its made out of pure anti-magic. If I wasn't so low on all of my powers I would have made it into something more impressive. And a draw back of using anti-magic is that I can't use any of my other magical attributes.

(Y/n) stabs the seal. The moment the blade made contact the seal broke.

Veldora: YOU ACTUALLY DID IT. I can never thank you enough.

(Y/n): Its no problem now before I put you in my dark dimension I should warn you that I created this spell for the soul purpose of giving me a place to go to if I had ever gotten close to death. So their should be plenty of things there for you to do, but the only down side of the spell is that it has a unpredictable cool down period. It could take five minutes until I can use it again, or five centuries. Are you okay with that?

Veldora: Yes I am it will take quite some time for me to get back to my power, and get used to moving around full. But before I go allow me to offer you my divine protection.

(Y/n): I would be honored. My I ask how that works?

She said this as she put knife back in the grimoire. And turned to the right page with the spell she's looking for.

Veldora: It is quite simple. I will give you a name. Since you already have one I will give you a title instead.

(Y/n): Alright I will give you one as well. From this day forward you will be know as Veldora Tempest.

Veldora: I am honored that you would name me. Now your title shall be THE CHAOTIC DEVIL OF JURA.

After that (Y/n) felt herself becoming stronger still low on magic but stronger non the less. And with that (Y/n) used the spell and sent Veldora to the dark dimension. All around the world everyone felt a tremor as Veldora disappeared from the world.

And that's it for this chapter let me know what you guys think and let me know if you have any suggestions. Jokerlupin signing out.

That time I was reincarnated as a slime futa harem x fem devil reader.Where stories live. Discover now