Chapter 17

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Another dawn made its way into the lives of Ameris. Everyone had their own set of expectations for the upcoming day. Jalal was no different. His anxiety was escalating by every minute. He was very much worried about Jodhas condition. After last night, he was sure that jodha was through a lot, and it would take hell lot of time to heal her. That was already known to him. But what worried him most is the fact that, after last night, she would surely go in to shell she had made for herself. The before day, she was too vulnerable to be angry; hence she shed all her inhibitions and let out her pain in front of him. But today, she would surely berate herself for being weak again and would try to be even hard. That is what worried him the most. He was never afraid of being hurt. Right from his teenage, he had faced many wars and bore deadly wounds; why not, after all hes a soldier, and

A soldier would always feel scars from wars as ornaments.

He was no different. Hence even now he was not scared that, in the process of healing her, he would be hurt. Instead, he was dreading the situation where, in the process of showing herself as strong and emotionless, Jodha would hurt herself. She would deny all the chances of happiness which are knocking at her door. He decided in his mind. He would protect her from everyone including herself. Another thing which was eating his mind is that now, even if he wishes to meet her in person, the royal laws would never allow him. Because as per the laws of the kingdom, even a prisoner will be given respect and none would breach his or her privacy unless its the matter of kingdoms safety. Particularly if the prisoner is a woman, then it is considered even more important to protect and respect her privacy. Hence Jalal could not meet her as and when he wants. Even after him being her husband and shehenshah-e-hind, he could do nothing. This worry of thinking, what her condition was, after last night, is not letting him be in peace. Adding to it his heart is not co-operating at all. Just by thinking about her it beats soo hard as if it wants release.

Damn this heart and screw the laws. None is going to stop me from meeting my love. He mused. With this thought he started proceeding towards her chamber, bracing himself for all the upcoming events of his roller-coaster life.

Just as he stepped into the main corridor which leads to Jodhas chamber, he observed a fact that, in his anxiety, he was going to her chamber even before the sun rises.

Damn, love can reduce anyone to anything he thought to himself.

As if on cue, sun started rising in the east spreading the glow of sunrise, resulting in a breath taking scenery. Jalal started moving towards her chamber. And just as he stepped into it, he was gifted with a breath taking view of his love sleeping like a baby, without any worries. The scenery outside was nothing when compared to the view in front of him.

Ahh, how much i missed seeing her tension free, like this. He though

As if in trance, he started taking steps towards her sleeping form. How pure she looked. He could spend his entire life admiring her. Thinking so, he reached the royal bed on which she was resting. The royal bed was circular in shape, covered by pearly white satin sheets and translucent cloth curtaining around it. He moved the curtain a little and sat beside her. He started observing her, taking in his share of fill by admiring her. Small tendrils were dancing on her forehead, and he felt like, as if they were teasing him by showing him the fact that he could never be that close to jodha , as they were. He was amused at his thoughts. Smiling to himself, he raised his hand to set those little flicks of hair behind her ear, when all of a sudden, a knife was pointed at his throat by none other than his love, Jodha. Her eyes were spitting fire, and were questioning, how dare he invade her intimate space and was daring to touch her. He looked at her demeanour, adorably. He felt that, she always looked beyond beautiful in anger.

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