Start from the beginning

I jump onto my bed and dial Carley's number on my phone.


"Hey Carls. I have some pretty epic news."


"Is there anyway you can convince your parents to come with me to The great Disneyland for Christmas vacation?"

"Oh my damn! That sounds amazing!!" She says with a little less enthusiasm than I expected.

"But..?" I say

"You know the mountain resort thing, well my parents said they booked it as an early anniversary vacation. So Blake and I have the house to ourselves for two weeks."

"Please don't tell me you guys are going to do what I think you're going to do." I hiss nervously into the phone.

"What? No no no no!! Nothing like that. It's just, after high school, Blake leaves for Europe and I don't know what's going to happen for the two of us."

"Yeah, right. I forgot about that."

"Sorry Sah. Disneyland sounds really epic and all but I really just want this time with Blake."

"It's cool hey I completely understand."

"I do have an idea of who you could ask though." Carley says slyly.

"Shane? Okay not a bad idea. Two and a half weeks in Disneyland with My boyfriend?. That doesn't seem like a bad idea at all. Thanks Carls. I'll chat to you later."

"Chat later. Bye bye."

I end the call and instead of calling, text Shane. My mom is yelling from downstairs, plus I wanna tell him as soon as possible and nothing is more quicker than an excited girl texting.

Hey babe

The family and I are going to Disneyland for the vacation. Wanted to find out if you'd be able to join us as well. It's Christmas I know but please ask your parents if you can come. You don't need to pay for accommodation or flights or anything. I'll call you later.

xoxo Sarah


"You called mom?" I walk into the study where Daniella, mom and dad are sitting waiting for me.

"Uh yes. You left before I could explain the rest of the vacation."

I sit in one of the chairs. "Okay. So what's up?"

"Now one of the new ladies that are in my yoga class started talking about this thing at Disneyland, like I explained earlier. It includes all access to the theme park, full hotel benefits ... The whole deal; but there needs to be a minimum of ten people. That's why we asked if you guys wanted to bring anyone."

Dad can see the confused looks from Dani and I and steps in. Even if Dani and I bring a person it doesn't add up to ten or more. "We will be sharing our booked penthouse with another family. Don't worry we know them really well. They have kids as well so you guys won't be alone. You'll have full access to do whatever you want."

"Don't worry, we'll sort out more details later. I think this is going to be a really good Christmas. Dani your year I almost up and we don't know what's going to happen and Sarah, you may not have time for things like this when you go off and do... Well whatever you're going to do. This may be our last family trip together."

"Okay sounds really great. I can't wait!!" No seriously I can't. Even though I won't be Carley, Shane is just as awesome; and if Dani's going to be with one of her friends, I don't want to be the one stuck with the other families' kids.


I walk to my room and lay on my bed, day dreaming about Shane kissing my in front of Cinderella's castle.

I lay on my bed and my phone vibrates which brings me out of my dream.

"Hello." I say into the phone.

"Hey babe. So I've got some awesome news. I spoke to my parents and they said it's okay. They've been wanting some 'alone time' ever since we moved and even though it's not ideal during Christmas, I can go!"

"Oh my word! That's great babe. I'll give you more details later. This is going to be so amazing."

"I know. The two of us in Disneyland. It's pretty epic. I'll talk to you more tomorrow, Physics is killing me at the moment. Sleep tight my angel."

"Night baby."

I end the call and fall asleep, going back into my dream with Shane. My Prince Charming


Hello hello...

So just a bit of a filler chapter before the real stuff begins.

Let's see what happens in the Land of Magic.

By the way we don't actually know if there is a penthouse suite in any of the Disneyland Hotels, but this is going to be our imagined up one.

You guys better get ready for quite a bit of drama over the next few Chapters.

Also, don't worry, we will try to get our Disneyland info as correctly described as possible.

Thank you guys so much for all the support we've received from our book. It's been spectacular!! So thank you!!!

And just to show how much you guys mean to us, we are going to create a dedication (for lack of a better word) 'thingy' for each chapter. It's a little far into the book to be starting, but we want to show you guys how much your support and the love for our book means.

So this chapter would obviously go to Mooneater for all the support we've gotten from them!! You are too amazing!

Last thing, we've had some trouble deciding of a cast list for our characters, so if you guys have any suggestions, you can send them through to us and we will check them out. The quicker we get suggestions, the quicker the cast will be up.

Let the plot thicken!!!
(It's really random, we know but it felt like it worked)

Storm and Snow

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