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When Saber opened her eyes she knew something was really wrong.. 

The first thing that was definitely not up to the standards of 'Normal' was the house she was in..  The second being that she recognized this house and she was very sure she was NOT supposed to be in here.

She had seen the house in an odd shared vision.. in the same place where she had met Baldr. 

"Mama!? Hey Mama! Wake up!!"

Saber was sitting at a dining table, with Mikoto seated  next to her..  Mikoto was not little like she had been in the vision, rather she looked her normal age. Only this time she was dressed in a peasant's neat dress with an apron and a bonnet. 

"Mikoto..?" Saber said.

"What did that weird guy do to us!?" Mikoto asked. "Where are we!? What are we wearing!?"

Saber gave a sigh of relief. So it was HER Mikoto.. did she get summoned into the body of the Mikoto from this world? Was that how it worked? But then.. this must be this world around a decade later if that body was this old..

Saber glanced at the mirror hanging over the fireplace.. she looked the same. She thought that without having received her sacred sword she might have grown older.. but.. 

"Why am I still-?" Saber muttered. "Urgh.. nevermind.. Mikoto listen, I need to fill you in.."

Saber explained the situation quickly, and by the end of the explanation, Mikoto's jaw looked ready to drop but she held back her surprised and nodded quickly. 

Saber loved that about Mikoto. She was strong enough to recognize when she needed to keep self control and focus on the big picture when it really counted.  It was how, even though Touma Kamijou was always the subject of her outbursts, that he was always able to count on her before Saber had been summoned. 

"Saber I'm not sure what to do here.." Mikoto said worriedly. "If what you say is true.. it's possible in this timeline Mordred wasn't even born, we have no idea what happened to her if that's the case..  and Okita.. Stacy and Kuroko... "

"We'll figure it out.. " said Saber. "Somehow.."

Mikoto flicked her fingers upwards and sparks jumped out. "I still have my esper abilities in this other Mikoto's body.. that makes sense.. Esper power are of the mental state and THEN they influence the DNA.. good.. but.. when I get out of this Mikoto's body she's going to be wondering why she has electromaster powers.. what about our servant abilities, do you think we still have those?"

Saber opened her mouth to debate the question, but before she could answer, there was a sharp knock by the door. 

Saber gestured to Mikoto to stay back, but Mikoto shook her head and held up a hand that was still sparking. 

"Only one of us is still confirmed to be able to fight at the moment.." Mikoto whispered. "I'm not leaving you alone.."

Saber sighed but nodded, she went over to the door, and carefully.. opened it.. to reveal. 

"G.. Gawain!?" Mikoto stammered. 

The blonde knight of the sun smiled and bowed to Mikoto and Saber. "M'Lady.. the Lady's daughter.. beautiful as ever, both of you.. the king would like a word.."

Gawain stepped aside as Galahad strode forward, looking vastly different with a large king's fur cape over his dark armor.. and a crown on his head..  and what appeared to be Caliburn sheathed to his hip. 

"I am in need of your help.. Arturia." said Galahad. "I apologize for the intrusion.. I think I might have shocked half your neighbors appearing in person.. but we both know you wouldn't be able to traverse such a distance on your own time to the castle.. I felt this might be more.. considerate.."

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 5: March To RagnarokWhere stories live. Discover now