03 | R U M I

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"To our beloved troll,

As a matter of fact, we will be shopping at Diagon Alley tomorrow. We got so much to tell you too. See ya!

The two HANDSOME blokes (mind you),

F + G"

With the S's looking like 8's and the O's being almost identical to the A's, Rumi Magpie immediately recognized George's handwriting. Unconsciously, she expected Fred to write back (for reasons she's not aware of), but nevertheless, her lips curled into a small smile. God, she missed those two.

She was still a teeny tiny bit upset that they didn't write to her while they were in Egypt, but who could she blame? The Weasleys are irresistible; even she forgets to write to her parents when she spends half her summer in the Burrow.

This summer, however, Rumi was only able to stay for a week just before they left for Egypt. In those days, she and the Twins tried to make touchable fireworks, played Hungry Hungry Hippogriffs (a boardgame similar to the muggles' Hungry Hungry Hippos but wherein the Hippogriffs would fly away occasionally, leaving Fred to lose), and attempted to bewitch an abandoned car into flying. Rumi, a half-blood, also found herself teaching Mr. Weasley how a TV works and the purpose of the rubber duck in baths.

"Brilliant!" Arthur Weasley said at the table one morning, "those muggles are a bit ingenious, aren't they? I suppose that's why your mother married your father."

"I suppose so, Mr. Weasley," Rumi said, as a floating stick of butter passed in front of her.

"Your mother still working at St. Mungo's?"

She nodded with a mouthful of toast. Her mother, a witch doctor, worked at St. Mungo's, doing something related to the study of effects of different medical potions on sick wizards. Rumi supposed that was the reason why their house always smelled weird, like toads and honey, and why she's doing a bit better in Snape's class than in any other class.

"Sweet girl, your mother." Arthur said as he smiled at Rumi from across the Weasley's long and uneven table, "I remember her being a few years younger than Molly and I. She was from Ravenclaw, wasn't she?"

"Yes, top of her class." Rumi said, a little bit proudly

"Who knew her daughter would be sorted into Gryffindor?" Arthur kidded.

"My dad, I guess," Rumi shrugged. "He's the one brave enough to elope with a witch."

Arthur chuckled politely like he always did; that's what Rumi loved about the Twins' parents. They were always so warm and polite as if they were happy she was there with them, no matter how stupid or irrelevant their conversations were – just like how Fred and George are when they're together.

In Rumi's room at the Leaky Cauldron, the rotting wooden ceiling creaked like the boards in the Burrow whenever she and the Twins were horsing around. Suddenly, a drop of water fell from the cracks onto her nose, interrupting her from her recollections.

The warmth of the Burrow was gone and the coldness was looming over her again. In the room next to hers, a couple was fighting; their screams and sarcastic come backs were seeping through the crevices.

Just like at home, she thought.

Rumi Magpie curled into the starched sheets of the Leaky Cauldron and looked at Hoo, who was sound asleep on a chair, as she tried to sleep off the heaviness in her heart.

Alone and shallowly asleep, she dreamt of two orange birds trying to make themselves explode.



 so,,, yeah HAHAHAHA

To those who saw my IG story for this fanfic's launch, i know some of u have waited a while and im sorry if I only posted the first 3 chapters. But don't worry, the next seven are in the drafts; some of those to be released next week :>

Stay tuned!

But so far, what do u think? Criticisms and praises (if there are any) are all welcome!

Wonder Witch and the Weasleys: Chasing the Ravenclaw GirlWhere stories live. Discover now