01 | B A C K F R O M E G Y P T

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      Fred Weasley was busy unpacking his trunk from their trip from Egypt. A flurry of robes, pants, shirts, occasional thobes they bought from their vacation, and several underwear went flying in the air, magicless, as he threw them out. He needed clean clothes packed and already ready for his fifth year in Hogwarts.

     Tomorrow, the whole Weasley family will be shopping for school books (some of them needed new ones as some professors required a new or different version, so their second-hand books couldn't be used), a new wand for Ron (which, upon remembrance of how it broke, brings a smirk to the Twins), and a new set of robes for Percy, the Bighead Bloke, who was now Head Boy of the Gryffindor House.

     Mrs. Weasley forbid the Twins from using magic for packing their stuff as she wanted them to learn to appreciate how difficult life is without magic – and of course, 'as an entertainment for your father, who really wants to know how muggles fold their clothes' – but that didn't prevent them from breaking the rules. Most of the time, nothing did anyway.

     As a hovering underwear slipped past George's nose ("Oi!"), all the clean clothes slithered out from the wardrobes – and surprisingly, under the bed – and neatly folded themselves into Fred's trunk. As for the prank devices he, George, and Rumi will be using, Fred packed them himself, manually, in fear of accidentally setting a Dungbomb on his robes. One by one, they were placed inside: a plastic of Whizzing Worms, a pouch of Dungbombs, and their old Ever-Bashing Boomerang. He slipped three stink pellets in his pocket.

     However, the absence of one particular item brought annoyance and, at the same time, determination to Fred.

     "I can't believe that git Filch was able to get his hands on the Map, again," Fred said to George as he closed his trunk. He couldn't wait to steal it back again. "I swear to Merlin, if it wasn't for that bloody cat of his..."

     "Well, we could always turn its tail into a snake or have Rumi brew up something that could make it crap on everything," George said without looking. He was busy peering out their bedroom door with his wand sticking out the doorway. Across their bedroom was their bath, where Percy was admiring himself wearing the badge Head Boy. "Quick," said George, "what's the hex again for enlarging one's head?"

     "'Percy Ignatius Weasley, we are pleased to tell you that you have earned the title of Head Boy'," Fred quoted, earning a titter from his twin. "Engorgio Skullus"

     As George was about to cast the spell, Fred ducked beneath George and peeked. George whispered the spell, then a flash of red light blasted out from the tip of his wand and perfectly hit Percy's head, causing it to expand three times its size. Percy's head dragged his weight to the front, almost hitting itself on the mirror, then, as an attempt to balance himself, Percy threw his head back, which made it hit the towel rack. Fred and George laughed, high-fived one another, then continued to watch their older brother attempt to balance himself and his now physically large head.

     After what seemed like an eternity for Percy, he finally stabled his head and looked across from where he was standing, only to find the Twins laughing at him.

     "You foul gits!" Percy, with his big head burning with anger, stomped to Fred and George's room. "I'll kill you before dinner is even made!"

     The Twins quickly shut their door and rested their weight on it to prevent Percy from commencing his revenge.

     Percy banged the door over and over again and kicked it every now and then, all while he said, "You can't do this to me!", "I'm Head Boy!", and "Open this door, I demand you!"

     Fred and George laughed as they felt Percy's thumping on their backs, until Mrs. Weasley's booming voice echoed from the bottom of the stairs.



     The Twins opened their door and said, in perfect unison, "WE DID NOT."

     Quick stomps emerged from the bottom of the stairs, which sounded exactly like Mrs. Weasley's footsteps whenever she was infuriated.

     Before their mother even got up to Ginny's room, Fred had already cast the reversing hex on Percy, returning his head to its original size: still big, but all in all, normal.

     When she finally got up, Mrs. Weasley took a look at each one of them. She was also a bit confused with Percy's normal sized head.

     "We told you," Fred said.

     "We didn't blow up Percy's head," said George

     "Did that to himself, really," Fred muttered.

     Mrs. Weasley hit Fred in the head before saying, "What did I tell you? No. Magic." She took the Twins' wands. "And certainly, I won't have you two hexing this family's new Head Boy."

     As Mrs. Weasley went back downstairs to prepare dinner, Percy stuck out a tongue at the Twins. Bloody childish. They all went back to their rooms, but before Percy closed his door Fred was able to enlarge an ear, about twice its size, with no wand at all.

Wonder Witch and the Weasleys: Chasing the Ravenclaw Girlحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن