Chapter 1

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Hi guys!, this will be my first 1D fic, ever. I've written/am still writing a lot of other things in other fandoms. I just had this idea in my head and thought to just start it off. 

This is based off on 'The Bachelor', mostly the US version, but then with all guys. Niall will be The Bachelor and since it's a Nouis fic (my OTP) it's Niall/Louis end game. 

There will be some Niam, Ziall, Narry and Niall/OC's, but that's all part of the game ;)

Hope you enjoy!


To say that Niall was excited was an understatement. To say that Niall was nervous was an understatement of an understatement. 

It had all been his brother's, Greg, idea. At first he had laughed at it, because really...what kind of stupid idea was that? He didn't need a stupid show like that to fall in love.

Or did he?

The more he thought about it, the more he got into it.

Being gay was still frowned upon by a lot of people, so, the fact they actually wanted to make a 'Gay Bachelor' show was...intriguing.

Niall didn't even know if any single gay men would sign up to participate, but why not give it a shot? He was selected to be The Bachelor, which drove him nearly to hysterics. But...he was happy. Especially when they told him that single gays were still signing up to participate and try to win The Bachelor's heart.

Finally the day to meet those guys who'd signed up had arrived. The thing was...both parts would be complete strangers to each other. Niall hadn't seen them and they hadn't seen Niall beforehand. 

Was that a good thing or a bad? Let's leave that in the middle...

He met up with Chris Harrison at the front of The Mansion the guys would be living. He had another house to himself where he would be living during the show somewhere else. But somewhere close by.

From what Niall had seen, his mom had made him watch The 'regular' Bachelor a few times to get him 'prepared', Chris was a great host. A great guy in general. He made Niall feel welcome during their talk. He had met him before they started filming the show as well, in fact, he had taken Niall's interview.

That's why Niall felt a little less nervous while talking to Chris before the cars with the 25 (25!) guys wouls start arriving. When Chris left him standing there alone to meet his 'possible' lover(s), the nerves peaked up again.

His palms felt sweaty so he wiped them off on his pants while the first car slowly came up the driveway.

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