" Kushi ", She heard him call out for her. She close her eyes as her heart beats started increasing , even after 20 years, her heart is still same, synchronizing with his heart beats.

She turned towards him, and looked at him.

She just stood there without opening her mouth.

" Your juice time ", Arnav said as he started pouring some of the juice in the glass on the table beside her bed.

He held the glass, and went towards her.

" Kushi, drink this. ", as she heard him say, she looked at the glass in his hands.

She want to hurt him, as much as he hurt her. But couldn't do that, what's the difference between him and her if she does that? For God sake, she loved him, may be still Loves him. She thought to take the glass as she started forwarding her hand.

You are the biggest mistake in my life.

She heard this again at the back of her mind, she couldn't help but withdraw her hand back, and turn away her face.

Arnav is hurt, once again looking at her doing that.

" Put it there on the table, I'll drink it. ", she said sternly and Arnav nodded his head, gulping down the lump formed in his throat. 

She looked at his back as he went to a corner away from her, it hurt her to hurt him. She didn't want to but she can't help. The words kept ringing in her mind.

Payal, who went to home early morning, returned back and looked at the scenario.

Kushi took the glass, and started drinking it.

Payal came inside, along with Anjali and devyani.

Arnav looked at them, and smiled a little. They returned back the same.

" How are you feeling, kushi? ", asked payal and kushi smiled at her.

" More than Better. ", as kushi said it, Anjali started saying.

" Kushi ji, today you are going to get discharged and you will be out of this hospital. ", as she said this, payal picked up it from there.

" And you will be in shantivan. ", Said payal and Kushi's eyes dimmed.

You are the biggest mistake of my life.

She heard it again, she is hurt. Pain is visible in her eyes. Arnav noticed it, and looked at her face. He can read her as an open book which he failed to do when he misunderstood her.

" No Jiji, I'll not be staying there. ", as Kushi simply stated that, payal started protesting.

" Payal stop it. ", Payal heard Arnav say as turned to look at him.

" Let her stay in GH, it's her comfort which should be priority. Let us go to the place where she wants to stay. We can take care of her. ", Said Arnav and looked at Kushi who is also looking at him, dumbfounded as she didn't expect he would understand her. Infact, he understood her without her saying, She thought he would order her, or will blackmail her, in his ASR way.

But what she didn't know was, along with her, ASR too went into coma, while she is out of it, ASR isn't and will not ever be. Just because of ASR, she is hurt. Arnav will not let ASR come out of coma. It's his promise.Even if it does, his love and trust would overpower it.

Understanding, this is the first step in every relationship. It happened between them. May be, very soon, she can trust him as well, as she understood him now.

She has seen something in his eyes, as she looked at him keenly, his eyes filled with fear, care, pain, guilt and love.

Fear, which will not let ASR come out.

Love, which will not let Arnav dissapear.

Care, which will not let her out of his priority list.

Pain, which indicates that how much she affects him.

guilt, which will make him ashamed of himself. He can't do that again, for maximum.

You are the biggest mistake in my life, as the pitch of this words decreased, she wondered how's this possible? May be that's the power of love.

only love, guilt and pain was visible, as the pitch of the words started increasing, she slowly started accepting it.

May be this is the beginning, someday she will forget everything.

Love doesn't need any age, even if it takes years for her to accept, a single second filled with pure love is enough for both of them, and may be it's going to happen very soon.

The End

SHE - last part is updated on inkitt, few days before. Check it out & later few minutesI'll update that here.

With the SHE - last part, this drabble book will be completed.

Arshi Drabbles ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz