“Okay, time for one more head count.” Mr. Harrington counted really quick and then turned to the group.

“Okay everyone, please be respectful and listen to our guide. And also, please don’t touch anything unless told to do so.” The group nodded and processed into the lobby.

The group “ood” and “aaaad” at the sight of the tower’s reception area. It was so nice, and sleek and, and… cool!” Peter, Tony and Pepper all tried not to laugh, they had all been planning to update the lobby soon, it had been the same for about two years.

“So, Penis, what’d your parents do to get valet parking? Because I know neither of them work here. I mean come on.” Peter shot Flash a weird look and whispered. “Well, they both work here.”

Flash rolled his eyes and almost laughed. “Really, you expect me to believe that… look at your dad, he’s wearing a F***ing T-shirt… that’s not S.I. material.” Now, now it was Pete’s turn to almost laugh…

“Well, they do.” Flash once again rolled his eyes, and the two went into a silent war against one another. Pete really didn’t even want to entertain the idea.

The group walked over to the front desk and Mr. Harrington began to talk to the receptionist. “Hello, we’re here for a Field trip and I was wonder if I needed to check in.” the receptionist, Melony, she was a favorite of the Avengers, nodded to Mr. Harrington.

“Umm… let me check,” She looked down at her screen and clicked a few things. “Yes, Midtown?” Mr. Harrington nodded. “Okay, so your tour guide will be here shortly.” Mr. Harrington nodded, and the group walked towards the center.

People stopped every once and a while and looked at Tony and/or Pepper but knew to keep moving. After a few minutes, a young intern came down. He had blonde hair and pretty brown eyes…

“Hello Midtown, I’m your tour guide for the day, I hope you all will enjoy, and I’ll be back in a few minutes with your passes.” The man walked over to a small desk and picked up a box of visitor badges and walked back over.

“Okay, so I’ll call names here in a sec but first. My name is Harley Keener and I’m a level 8, Alpha worker here at S.I. I mainly work in development and research but today I was voluntold to give you guys a tour.” Peter rolled his eyes, and then he looked to Tony who shrugged his shoulders.

“Nat…” they both whispered.

“Okay, so Betty Brant?” And it went on for a while and Flash was more than happy to receive his pass. So was his father who could only drool over his pass. Mr. Harrington got a beta level pass and Pepper; Tony and Peter didn’t have passes handed to them.

“Hey, Mr. Harrington, those three didn’t receive passes.” Mr. Thompson had pointed it out and so the teacher turned to Harley.

“Ohh, no they don’t need them. They have their own.” That was a lie, Pepper, Tony, and Peter didn’t have passes, they didn’t need them. FRIDAY just knew them by facial recognition.

“SO, for anyone wondering, there are 10 different pass levels. Level one, which is what you have, is for visitors, press, and business accusations. Level two is mostly for low level interns. Level three is for janitors and basic staff. Level four is for mid-level interns who are about 2-3 years into their study. Level five is for basic employees. Level six is for business and staff. Level seven is for security and those alike. Level eight is for high level interns like myself. Level nine is for Avengers and Finally we have level ten, which is for seven people… Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, and four others.” The group all nodded, and Harley winked at Pepper and Tony… there were really only five gold passes in circulation. Then Harley continued for a just a second. Betty all while took note… this would be great for the school paper!

“Each level is split into sections. So, like alpha, beta and omega. Omega are often very basic with limited access for said level. Beta is usually a bit different and isn’t always available, we usually use this to specify the area of study like R&D and chem. Alpha is usually division heads and higher-level people in general. Level ten is only alpha members.” The group nodded with the new info and Tony realized something…

“Hey Fri, operation Peter’s field trip.” Tony whispered really quietly and the A.I. gave an affirmative and so, the group walked forward. The students didn’t say much to one another due to the new info but, that was fine with everyone else… well, Ned was visibly shaking and at a loss for words but that was fiiiine.

“Okay everyone, please just scan your badge when you enter, I’ll go first and demonstrate.” The group nodded and Harley walked through. He swiped his card and the A.I. read off his credentials.

“Harley Keener, Level 8, Alpha, no threat detected, threat level 74%, Welcome back Harley, enjoy giving you tour.” Harley rolled his eyes, some days Fri was a blessing and a curse.

Flash and his father both pushed forward, they pushed Mrs. Jones out of the way and Mj nearly yelled at Flash but didn’t.

“I’ll be first!” Flash took his card and quickly swiped it. “Eugene, Thompson. Level one omega, no threat detected, Threat level 12%” Flash felt like he was on top of the world and people followed after him one after another, Fri reading off the same thing every time.

Then Fri got to Tony, Pepper, and Pete and well… “Anthony Edward Parker, Level 10, no threat detected, Threat level 98%, Welcome back Mr. Parker.” Tony held the largest smirk in the world and Pete could only facepalm.

Pepper patted her son on the back and walked through. “Pepper Parker, Level 10, no threat detected, Threat level 100% Welcome Mrs. Parker, all meeting has been moved to tomorrow.” Pepper smiled. “Thanks Fri.”

The team gawked at the two’s… level ten access… “How the h*** did you manage that. Like what the actual F***. How in the H*** does some as low as you manage to get a level ten pass!” Tony didn’t answer and nor did Pepper, they didn’t have to.

“Mr. Thompson, you have no authority to ask that.” Fri’s voice had beaten both Tony and Pepper to the answer. Flash and his father both quieted down and hid in the back.

Now Peter walked through, and Karen announced him. “Peter Parker, Level 10 alpha, no threat detected, Threat Level 97%, Welcome back Peter, Mr. Stark has been informed of your arrival and so have the Avengers.”

The Field Trip that Tony and Pepper came on  Where stories live. Discover now