Chapter 22: The Start Of The End

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I was worn out from everything that happened that day. I was physically and mentally exhausted. I don't usually let my emotions show but seeing a little girl die in her parents arms does something to you. Well after all of that I went back home to Lis and Nilo. Right away Lis could tell something was wrong with me. There was no point in trying to hide anything from her Lis was very persistent. So I explained everything that had happened she listened very intentively.

When I finished telling her everything Lis hugged me tightly. "If what you told me is true I'm sure you and Kirito will help Yui after the world gets cleared" Lis said to me.

Time Skip

Floor 46: Lindarth

The next day I decided to sleep in I felt like I deserved this. Lis was cuddled up next to me holding tightly to my side. Lis would hate me if I told anyone this but her nose twitches when she's having a good dream. It was very very cute looking at her sleep. The door creaked open I saw Nilo enter with Fenrir. "Are you and Mom going to wake up?" Nilo  asked. I put my finger on my lips and shushed her "I'll get up but we should let mommy sleep" I answered.

I got out of bed and made breakfast for Nilo and I. We sat down at the table ate our eggs and bacon Nilo began talking about what her mommy did yesterday. I sat there and listened to the little girl talk I could do this for hours. We finished eating I told Nilo she could go out and play with Fenrir as I did the dishes. As I was cleaning the plates I heard Lis get up. "Save anything for me?" a sleepy Lis asked "don't worry honey I saved you a plate on the countertop" I answered pointing to the plate.

After I finished cleaning the dishes I sat down at the table with Lis. I gave her a cup of coffee to drink. As we drank we talked about our plans for the day. "So what are your plans today?" I asked Lis "nothing much I have to go to the shop and finish some orders" Lis answered "you want to take Nilo with you or leave her with me or miss Rita?" I asked. Lis took a sip of coffee "I thinking I'll take her with me today, I'm planning on teaching her how to forge a bit" she answered. "That will be good for her she's always watching us do it might as well give her some hands on experience" I said.

"So what about you Shi, what are your plans?" Lis asked me "honestly I don't know, I might get some forging done or some training, I'm just waiting for the commander Heathcliff to call me back" I answered. Lis gave me a look when I said his name "honestly that commander of your's is too demanding and very unreasonable" she said. I sighed "yeah I agree with you but Heathcliff is the leader for a reason" I said. Lis sighed this time "why don't you relax and go fishing or something" she said. "Yeah no fishing is cool and all did all the time back in the real world with my grandpa but my fishing skill is zero here" I said.

Nilo ran inside "daddy there's someone here to see you" she said. "Who is it baby girl?" I asked "it's a tall man" Nilo answered. "Let me get this" I said to Lis I kissed her before I left. I went to the door and saw a very familiar face it was Berus. I know what you are thinking but trust me Berus is a good guy. Let me explain things to you. After I saved Fenrir from Berus and his men beating him in the progress Laughing Coffin ended up excommunicating him. Apparently Berus never actually killed a green player he only killed other red players who tried to compete with Laughing Coffin.

I found Berus on the street stripped of his armor. We talked and after some time he told me everything that had happened with him. I began to trust him but other players did not. I had an idea for Berus he became my spy. He'd join red guilds and give me info on them. Berus actually managed to rejoin Laughing Coffin. He was there during the raid of their guild. Anyways back to now Berus is standing outside of my door.

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