Chapter 5

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A/N Before I start the chapter I must tell you the image above has no relevance to the chapter it's just a kool gif I found. Also, I'd like to thank you all for hanging in there for this chapter I know it's been a long time so sorry for that enjoy the chapter also I'll be switching to chapter numbers for the titles of the chapter instead of what i usually do it should be easier that way 

~Seb <3

Dipper pov 

After Bill ran up to Mabel and I's the room I decided to go after him, I mean even if he was a bloodthirsty demon that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to be comforted right, right? 

 "Bill come on where are you?" I whispered when I got up to the darkroom. I heard quiet sniffles from my bed so I walked over to it  and sat down on the edge of the bed the only light being a soft maroon from my triangle head

 "Bill come on where's the demon who tried to kill us" "he's g-gone right now" bill wailed into my er rather his pillow now I guess

 "well uhm what's the matter bill if you want to tell me that is," I said softly scooting farther on the bed to stroke bills hair like Mabel would do for me when I would have nightmares or panic attacks 

"well I don't know what's wrong just these stupid human emotions" bill mumbled 

"ah, well yes I know how that feels emotions do kind of suck" dipper sighed then continued "But you'll get used to them and come to appreciate them soon enough I'm sure" dipper finished the room falling into a comfortable silence

"But what if I can't" Bill whispered dipper thought for a moment pausing the stroking he'd been doing to bills hair bill let out a soft whine at loss of contact 

" well, I doubt you won't get a hang of them because you-you've got Mable to help you" Dipper choked up during the sentence remembering all the fun times he'd had with mable when he was still human. Lost in his thoughts Dipper didn't hear Bill talking 

"well I guess bu-wait are you even listen-" Bill said while looking over at dipper who was lost in thought with tears running down his face from his eye 

"Woah Pinetree you ok?" Bill asked wiping the tears from Dippers face dipper started sobbing and glowing a violent cobalt blue his powers lashing out due to his emotions Bill not knowing what to do because he hadn't felt emotions in at least a couple millennia slowly backed out of the room so he wouldn't be caught in the middle of Dippers tantrum

A/N so I hope you enjoyed that and I know you guys deserved a longer chapter cause I've been taking so long but I'm trying to figure out exactly where this story is going to go so I hope to get another chapter out this week or next week 

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