Chapter 25: Together

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Ben's POV:

As I watched the Falcon enter the plant's atmosphere, I can already sense Rey's presence. I can not help but let out a sigh of relief knowing that I will not have to spend another day here without her. As soon as the Falcon lands I start running towards it; too impatient to even wait for the engines to turn off. I push the hidden button on the underbelly of the Falcon causing the loading ramp dropdown. I rush inside to the cockpit and to my surprise Rey is not there just Chewie and Finn. I can't help the panic that starts to rise up inside my chest. 'This isn't good, where is Rey, is she hurt, is the baby okay?' I was so lost in my own thoughts that I did not notice that Finn had gotten up from the pilot's chair. 'No, I would have felt it. Why is she not here, I thought she would be at the ramp waiting for me, does she not want me, does she not love anymore?' I snap out of my train of thought when I feel Finn give me a hug and so does Chewie, completely catching me by surprise. All the things I have done to them and here they are hugging me their formal enemy. I don't know what to do. "Welcome back to the land of the living." Finn joked as he pulled away and shook my hand. Chewie growls a welcome back and gives another hug that makes me think I'm going to be squeezed to death. "I believe Rey is in her room, she mentioned something about getting ready." I thank him before running off.

I remembered Rey mentioning something about making her room is the one that was next to my old one. I'm standing outside the door, my hands clenched by my side, I don't know what to do with them. 'Should I have gotten her something? Like what? There were no flowers on the old Death Star unless I went out to the mainland. What do I say? All those times we talk through the force bond and now I have nothing to say to her, come on Ben!' I hear laughing in my head. 'Ben, you can come in you know and I'm not much of a flower girl anyway.' I hear Rey say in my head. I open the door to see Rey standing there, she's wearing one of my grandmother's old maternity dresses that really make her baby bump stand out. She almost looks like she swallowed a small Mellon whole but she is still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I stop admiring her just long enough to walk over and hold her close to me and I kiss her with everything I got. I feel her warmth and I am reminded once again this is all real and that I made the right choice. "How far into the pregnancy are you again?" I ask her as I kneel down to place my hands on her belly and place a kiss on it, feeling our child force signature. "Somewhere between three and four months now. Although as large as I'm getting this early in, I swear we either have the time frame wrong or I am having twins." She says with a light laugh. "Well, twins do run in my side of the family. Guess we will have to wait and see." I remind her then kiss her again. "I love you," I say. "I know." She says as she kisses me again. "We are sharing a room right now because I didn't want to set up yours without you being here. Feel free to settle in as I tell the other two what our next stop is." And with that said she left the room and I already miss her being in my arms.

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