ITTY BITTY FIC #6: Tokyo, I love you. Goodnight.

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A/N: Before we read this. I wrote this last year when I was in a very weird place and was literally only listening to Nude by Radiohead on repeat for about two weeks. So if you'd like to understand the head space in which I was writing this, then please, listen to the song. Cheers! and enjoy.


"Where are we right now?"


His accent hugs the syllables in the wrong places but somehow it fits just right. Like a corner puzzle piece.


You shuffle, turning to lay on your side as he does the same. You face each other and you can barely make out the lines of his face in the hours just before dawn. You reach out, but he speaks before you can touch him.

"Close your eyes."

And you, with a thousand and one seemingly endless inquisitive inquiries behind your vision, close them. Not because you want to but because he asked so gently. You linger though, in the action, wanting to drink up every part of him as your eyes adjust to the dimness in the room. Because not looking at him while he's right in front of you is like closing a book just as it's about to get good. It makes no damn sense. But you do it anyways, because he asked so kindly and when he presses a kiss to your lips that flutters down your neck to your shoulders, to the space in the middle of your chest, into the softness of your belly, and the sallow dip where your thigh meets your hip, you melt, and the day ahead of you is clearer somehow.

You'll walk through gardens, through groves of freshly bloomed cherry blossoms. The light spring rain washing away any doubt you may have had about your future. Standing in overcrowded trains as you zip across the city, hands brushing occasionally, as if on purpose, every time it comes to a halt. 

A quick kip in the late afternoon prepares the both of you for the evening ahead

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A quick kip in the late afternoon prepares the both of you for the evening ahead. His arm strewn lazily around your waist, face nuzzled in the crook of your neck, light kisses pressed to your shoulder and your chest. They lull you into a brief slumber, adding comfort, if only just for that moment.

And when you both awaken, a juxtaposing mixture of groggy and refreshed, you realize that this is forever. His eyes, a colourfully named shade of pantone green, reassure you of that. His smile, bright and genuine, shines only in your direction and you feel bad for thinking that the sun would envy it.

You are a child of the earth after all. Grounded in your belief and soft in your nature. A compassionate creature. The reason for his initial love for you.

And he'll turn to you and say,

"I love you."

And you will do nothing but laugh and grab his hand as you run down the near empty, neon lit streets of Shibuya to get one more drink, or one more good song in before the final bell. The smells of a million and one midnight food vendors wafting through the air, mixing together in a whirlpool of flavours and vivid flashes of the memory of the two of you in your cramped New York apartment, eating dollar ramen with all the fixins. Kissing until dawn then falling asleep to the sounds of cars and construction. And even after that, the night isn't nearly as close to seeing its end.

You'll dance under fluorescent tunnel bridges to the sound of deafening traffic as it echoes off the concave walls and fills your souls with exhaust and tread marks

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You'll dance under fluorescent tunnel bridges to the sound of deafening traffic as it echoes off the concave walls and fills your souls with exhaust and tread marks. Like you're standing in a vacuum. Swirling around in a tiny tornado cloud of lust, and ecstasy, and love.

Oh, how you love the way his hand hovers just above your cheek when he kisses you, as if asking for permission each and every time.

How nice it would be to just yell, yes, always, yes, in this tunnel so it can echo like the engine of a motorcycle, shaking his core, nestling itself into the part of his brain that knows you. All of you.

And maybe you had swallowed a little bit of happiness with your drinks earlier, maybe you hadn't but everything feels like it smells and tastes like it sounds and it's good. It's really fucking good. And you're really fucking happy, for once.

And you'll say to each other, in voices as soft as a cloud, heavy with rain,


But it's not goodbye, just the end of the serene darkness. Just a welcoming melody for the sun as she wakes up the rest of the world. Surrounded by undying giggles and lighter than air caresses. 

And when the sun does begin to peak over the horizon, you'd have reached the highest point on your ascent to the nearest shrine. To cleanse day old sins and welcome the blessings of the new. A cement stamp on a dreamlike experience. Hand clasped with his just as tightly as your eyes as you pray to anyone who will listen, anyone at all, for this feeling to never leave you. To be able to bathe, to soak, in this euphoria although you know that nothing gold can stay. This plea, this prayer is nothing but a bandage on the black hole of your reality.

It cannot stay,
it cannot stay.
It can't be fixed,
it can't be fixed.

Your eyes slowly open. Your pupils grow and shrink in their attempt to adjust to the light of your phone, resting on the pillow where his head should be in your bed. A longing to take up a space next to him because it has been way too long. 

The threads of your imagination begin to wither and fray and you're back in your bed, alone, on the other side of the world. 


A/N: Hello and Happy New Year everyone! Hope you had a wonderful holidays and I wish you all the best for 2020!

This is the first Itty Bitty Fic of the new year, even though I wrote it last year. I wasn't able to get around to making the edits until now. I'm going to try to write a lot more this year. The goal is to finish Bell and S+N before spring. but who knows what the world will through at me. 

And yeah, I guess that's all from me.
Love y'all,
See you in the next one.

Love and Rockets,

Finch x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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