Part 6: The First Day

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And then suddenly, a bored and tired voice was heard from the door. The group turned to see a man inside a yellowish green sleeping bag

Man: If you're gonna act all chummy inside the classroom, would you please step aside so that I can enter...?

Without word, the students did as they were told. The man stood up in the sleeping bag and zipped out of it.

Aizawa: Good morning, class. I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa...

The man called Aizawa then gave the class P.E. Uniforms

Aizawa: Put these on and meet me in the P.E. Fields in 15 minutes. Late comers will be expelled by the way.

This made the class scream "WHAT" in shock and horror as they hurriedly exited the classroom and into the locker rooms

P.E. Fields

The students were now in their P.E. Uniforms and were gathered in the fields while their homeroom teacher stands in front of them

Aizawa: Today, all of you are gonna participate in Quirk Apprehension Test. This activity will test the value and usefulness of your Quirks since you have not been able to use them since Middle School. One of these activities is a pitching test. I'm gonna need a representative... How about you, Bakugou.
Bakugou: The hell do you want?
Aizawa: You've participated in a pitching test before, right?
Bakugou: Yeah, what's it to you?
Aizawa: And you didn't use your Quirk?
Bakugou: Yeah.
Aizawa: So what was your farthest throw?
Bakugou: About 65 meters.
Aizawa: Hmm... Try doing it with your Quirk this time. Get over here.

The blonde then went to the centre and was given a ball by the teacher. Bakugou smirked as he pulled back his hand and prepared to throw

Bakugou: DIE!!!!

The boy screamed as a large explosion launched the ball sky high. This impresses the rest of Class 1-A except for Izuku since he already witnessed and experienced Bakugou's Quirk. Far too many times...

Aizawa recorded the distance and Bakugou has threw over 700 meters. The students were surprised by the information while Bakugou smirks victoriously

Bakugou: *Heh. That's right. Learn that I'm better than all of you. Especially Deku!*
Mina: Wow! That looks like fun!
Aizawa: Fun, Huh. How about this. Whoever places last gets expelled. Isn't that fun?

The class was quiet momentarily before a very loud "WHAT" was produced by the students. They couldn't believe their ears! Last place gets expelled! But it was only the first day! Izuku's felt his heart beating in his chest as he heard that revelation. Izuku then heard someone trying to gain his attention by making a "psst!" sound.

The green haired teen turned to the noise and saw Momo who was shaking her head from left to right. Momo hoped that Izuku was understanding her signals

Izuku was confused at first at Momo's signal until a thought clicked in and soon, Izuku finally got it. Aizawa-sensei will not expel anyone! It was just a ruse to get encourage the students to try their very best! That is actually quite clever. He'll give him that

The activities have begun and the students were now preparing for the first test which was a 50-Meter Dash. The first sets of students have taken the test and got surprisingly good results. He and Bakugou were now the next pair and they got ready.

Bakugou: Heh. If you think you're gonna beat me, Deku, know that I was and will always be better than you!
Izuku: We'll see about that.

The boy then summoned Alastor and got a speed boost from it's lightning. The two began dashing and Bakugou used his explosions to traverse across the field as quick as he can. Although, Izuku's boost was somehow faster and he and Bakugou then passed by the finished line while their completion time was recorded. Izuku got through in 2.89 seconds while Bakugou got through in 4.13 seconds. Izuku was pleased with his result while Bakugou was pissed at the fact that Izuku was somehow faster than him.

Izuku Midoriya, Bearer of the Devil BringerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu