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So at this time in my life everyone knew me as Mackenzie. and right now my Best friend is a boy Named Mckenzie u know how silly u are when ur little Omg were wearing the same colour lets be friends. u like that part of the park lets be friends. I was 5 at the time and i was with my two Best friends (One recently dead)Amanda and Mckenzie. We were playing on the play ground cant remember which play ground exactly.  I'm talking bout my friends Amanda Michelle Todd and Mackenzie Chevy Doyle. The coolest people i knew at the time. Now lets skip ahead of not having a dad. To Me moving to Alberta when i was 5. now skip till 9. By  now my story is I havent had a dad for a whiel he left at 3 months. Im now living in Edmonton, Alberta. Were Mckenzie's mom and Mckenzie lives too. Me and Mckenzie are best friends i could tell him anything. I have now been bullied for 3 years now. But dont worry im ok i guess. Mckenzie just told me he loves me i dont know what to do or if i even feel the same way. -Next day- "Hey'Mckenzie said "Hey i thought bout what you told me and i would love to be yuour girlfriend" I said. thats were my mistake was. Yea he was nice and caring for the first few months. But then can the abuse. I never knew what i did wrong and when i asked He called me a stupid worthlesss piece of shit or callled a bitch or call me a slut tell me to shut up then slapped me when i cried and i cried cause of all the pain. I Took this for 4 years i would have took it longer but one night i had this dream. A dream of someone to be happy with i didnt get his name i just knew i had to find him. So, I broke up with Mckenzie the day i was moving from Edmonton. i Moved a few mins away from a town called Didsbury,Alberta and went to a school called midway. I was in grader 6 or 7 by now. and i was new i meet a girl named Nicole Bitch todally Turned on me. .......-Next day- Well today todally saucks im being picked on and no ones likes me. It's almost summer time which means leave for the summer and dont come back intill school for me. So i will be spending the Summer at my Oma's.

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