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Hello, whoever's still here! Thanks so much for reading my first and really bland attempt at writing a story. It means so much to me that you guys not only read it, but also commented/voted and some of you even followed me :D Thank you, guys! I love you all so much and I really do appreciate each and every one of you, even the silent readers (that I don't even realize are there :p).

Now that I've completed this book, I don't really want to write anything anymore. Sure, I write one shots all the time but that's pretty much it. Maybe I'll get back into writing R&H or JTS sometime in the future but I really don't feel it anymore. I don't feel any of my stories anymore. I'm sorry.

But anyway, that's all from this book or maybe from me in general. So, if you have read this far, I say thank you!


After That Day...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang