Ending 2

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This is the 2nd ending. One more ending before I'll never update this book ever again. Before I start, clear your mind of the previous ending and think about where we left off in chapter 12. Done? Good. Anyways, sorry if there are any mistakes.

Warning: most poorly written ending ever. It will probably hurt your eyes... and brain.... You've been warned.

~Pewdie's POV~

2 months have passed since Minx has woken up from her coma and things have been moving pretty quickly. She made a quick recovery and was discharged soon enough but... she wasn't the same anymore. She wasn't the same fun-loving (and offensive) British woman that always cracked jokes and made us laugh. She hardly even smiles now (even though she claims to be the same). We all know that it's because of Krism, even if she denies it countless times. It's just... different. We try to help her but she just pushes us away. I really do wish that she'll return to normal but even that seems a bit too much. All her friends are just hoping for the best now.

"Here we are!" Ken declares as we arrive at Minx's house.

Ken, Cry and I got out of the silver car that the southern man drives and walked to the front door. Upon knocking on the white wooden door, we heard the sound of shuffling feet approaching the door, along with some irritated muttering. The white door swung open, revealing a surprised Minx with disheveled hair. She plastered on a fake smile and stepped aside, gesturing for us to come in. We shot each other a worried glance before returning the female brunette's smile and walking in, towards her living area.

"So, why'd you come here for?" The house's owner asked as she plops down on her favourite recliner.

"What's wrong with coming to see a friend?" I took a seat next to the other two on the matching couch.

She flipped us off and laughed, but her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. It was obvious, though.

She still misses Krism.

Since we all haven't talked together in so long, we started catching up. We chatted about the first things that popped up in our heads, including games we had recently played. I remember the last time we talked like this was when we went to the carnival and saw those fireworks. So much time has passed since then.

"Hold on, I need to use the restroom. I'll be right back," Minx declares as she stands up, walking in the direction of the master bedroom.

Knowing that the british woman probably wanted some alone time, we agreed and continued our conversation, waiting for her to return.

Knock knock...

The sound of impatient knocking echoed around the house. Seeing that Minx hadn't come back yet, Ken and Cry debated if we should answer the door. After another 5 seconds, we ended up the answer of "yes" and proceeded to the door.

By the time we reached the entrance, the knocked had almost completely stopped. Almost, but not quite. Is whatever it is really so important?

We opened the door and immediately tried to close it after seeing their face, but they caught the wooden door before it could shut.

"Please, let me talk to Minx!" The woman pleaded desperately.

"Why should we? Especially after what you did to her, Kristen." I hissed, venom lacing my voice.

"I have a proper explanation, just hear me out!" She pleaded.

"No!" All three of us stated in union before shutting the door and locking it.

"Hey! Don't close the door on me! This is my house!" She pounded against the wood.

"Not anymore." Cry seethed.

"What are you guys doing? Who's at the door?" A voice asked from behind.


"Uhh... Nothing! Its just a... pesky salesman who won't leave." I faked a laugh, trying to push her away from the door.

"Michelle! Its me! Open the door!" Krism shouted, catching the attention of the purple banged brunette.

"Krism?" Minx said in surprise. "Open the door!" She cried, pushing us away and swinging the door open, much to our dismay.

I didn't even realize how haggard and messy Krism looked until the door was fully open. The two women stared at each other before embracing each other in a tight hug, as if the other would disappear if they let go. Crying into each other's should as they mumbled soft, heartfelt words.

But from what I could tell, it looked like it was going to be a long week for them. The sadness and sincerity in their words as they hugged showed the true extent of their love. They'd probably spent the week apologising and making it up to each other, giving explanations and hugs. But one thing was for sure; they were reunited at last.

~ Ending Complete - Reunited at Last ~

I honestly hate this ending a lot because of how over used it is. It's so unrealistic that I just cannot... (I ran out of ideas, alright? Sheesh. ) So, which ending do you think this is: happy, bittersweet or sad? Also, please leave your thoughts in the comments, I would love to read your opinions (try to guess the reason for Krism's disappearance). Anyways, if you have read this far, I say thank you!

On to Ending 3!

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