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*Flash Back*

"Akaashi! Do you want to walk to gym together since we're both heading there." you saw Akaashi outside his class room, he agreed. While you were walking it was a little awkward, he wasn't really the type to speak if he wasn't spoken to so you started a conversation."How long have you played volleyball?" You looked at him as you both headed out of the main building.

"Since middle school. It seemed like a good sport so I played." you nodded "So you've been playing for a while that's cool. How do you handle Bokuto?" you saw him rolled his eyes, you let out a small laugh. "You just got to know him, I guess. Know what to do when something doesn't go right for him." You really didn't understand but nodded either way. You guys arrived to the gym and started to practice. You sat next to Kaori and saw them practice.

You heard someone yelling your name, you didn't know who it was but you knew it was a female. You tried to open your eyes, everything was blurry but you saw Kaori next to you running as you were being pulled into the emergency room. "Ka-ori"you say faintly. She grabbed your hand and started crying even more. "Y/n please don't leave me. Don't leave us." You gave her a small squeeze and smiled vaguely. "Please take care, tell Bokuto to keep my promise. Tell Akaashi that I was sorry." You saw her nod.

You saw her getting smaller as you were pulled in a room. You didn't know what was happening but you felt tears coming down your face. You give her a small smile before you didn't see her anymore. Your vision turning black, not being able to open your eyes.

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