Chapter 12

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I have some amazing spy skills and I also have amazing bartending skills. When I am not be the amazing spy that I am I am working a few hours a week at a bar making some more money. I have made my girlfriend a few drinks. I decided that I was going to throw a Hawaiian themed party to celebrate everything that my team has been through these past years. I got all the supplies that I was going to need for this party. no one knew what I was planning and that's just what I wanted. it took me about two days to set up the party. everyone on my team was super surprised and they loved it.
I never knew that my team was such an asset to other people. Until one day when I got a call from the Commanding officer of the US Army. The Commanding officer told me about the current mission they were working on they needed me and my team to help with this operation. they were taking down a Bomb dealer who was threatening to bomb a city that has over 500,000 people. the Army wants to prevent as many casualties as possible.

I briefed my team right away and we got on a plane on our way to the Army base. when we arrived Commander McGarrett greeted us.

" I need Agents Thompson, Runnels and Kaderlik in my office. I have heard that you three are the best agents on your team so I'm going to need you three to go undercover with two of my men into this group" McGarett said

This was going to be a very interesting. We got bullied proof backgrounds so no one would suspect anything. Not even the CIA could have given us better backgrounds than the Army.

Matt runs the biggest drug industry in the country and he has no criminal record and the public loves him. No one would ever go against him because he would always help them out in whatever way they needed. Now how did he get onto the Army's radar, well that's something I can't really tell you hear what I can tell you. Drug lords have their enemy's and that have their friends, one of the drug lord leaders came to McGarrett and informed him on what Matt was up to.
Matt is a big threat to us right now and nobody knows what he is truly capable of. He would be willing to do anything to protect his line of business. We decided to move in on Matt at 17:00. We figured we need all the manpower we could get. We had two agents go to his door and they acted like they were customers and when they gave us the signal we moved in on him. It ended up going into a shoot out and Matt got shot and he was pronounced dead on the scene.
Working with the Army was such a thrill. I never imagined that I would have that option so early into my spy career. People think being a spy would be easy but to be honest it's not as easy as it sounds.

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