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I showed Hayden the text message. He giggled. Wow that was so cute. Wait... what no lilah you don't like him he's just a friend a really really cute nice funny caring kind friend.

Hayden: haha typical Johnny.
On the way back to our houses we talked and laughed.

You: thanks for tonight.

Hayden: you should be thanking Johnny it was his idea.

You: no not just about that but for being there for me when I had a panic attack.

Hayden: it fine really. I have them sometimes and it can be over nothing it kinda sucks. Especially when I have no one to comfort me so I thought I would comfort you because I know how it feels to not have anyone there.

You: wow thanks I never knew you had them to. And now that I'm here you will never be alone.
I giggle.

Hayden: thanks it means a lot.
Me and Hayden stopped at the exact same time.

Both of you: this is my house.
We both laughed and he pointed to the house opposite mine. I was about to walk away when Hayden hugs me and picks me up because of how small I am. I laugh and turn around. Our faces were inches apart.

Hayden: hey could I have your number so we could hang out some time.

You: hmmm let me think about that.
I laugh Hayden picked me up and swirled me around.

Hayden: haha very funny lilah.
He said in a sarcastic voice.

You: hear pass me you phone.
I put my phone number in his phone and saved my name as "lilah😝💘" and took a picture of myself as the profile pic. I gave the phone back to him and he blushed when he saw the name.

You: bye Hayden see you tomorrow.

Hayden: bye lilah stay safe.
Just as I was about to leave he kissed my cheek I blushed so hard. I tried to cover my face and look down but Hayden put his fingers on my chin and lifted my head up.

Hayden: don't hide you even more cute when you blush. He whispered in my ear. We went back to our houses and when I stepped through the door my mum was waiting there with a smirk on her face.

Mum: who was the cutie outside?

You: a friend of johnnys who I met today.

Mum: he seems nice.

You: Yh he helped me when I was having a panic attack.

Mum: I'll have to meet him one day. He sounds like he is going to play a big part in you life.
She smiled and I blushed and ran upstairs. When I got to my room I got a text.

Hayden😝💘: hey lilah.

You: hey Hayden.

Hayden😝💘: I have to show you something.

You: ok what is it?

Hayden😝💘: look out of you window.
I looked out of my window to see Hayden at his window waving.

You: oh heyyy 😂

Hayden😝💘: I have to go do you want to face time later.

You: of course.

Hayden😝💘: bye🥰

You: bye 🥰

Oh...... my....... god. HE JUST SENT ME A HEART. Woah lilah your jumping to conclusions and plus who would like a girl like you. He is so cute and loving and your ugly and no one likes you. He will never like me.

Hayden summerall x readerWhere stories live. Discover now