Chapter 18

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I walk back down the stairs to the other boys. "They will be down soon" I say, as the others carry on their conversations. I didn't want to tell the boys about the events that had happened not long ago, it was JJ's choice to tell them or not and Im not going to intrude. We ordered an inflatable for the garden not that long ago and it came in the post early this morning. Kon and the rest of our team have been setting up cameras and pumping air into it all morning making it easier for when the boys get here. We're going to film an olympics video but every event is in an inflatable, we didn't want to film for too long today. "Lets go out now and get ready to start while we wait for JJ and Simon" Vik says. We all agree and get off the stools and our phones, making our way towards the garden.


I wanted to stay in Simon's arms forever, I felt so safe and comforted with him. We stood in the middle of my room, our arms around each other. "Look I can get through today, I'm gonna get a drink of water and I'll meet you outside" I say, wiping the tears from my face. "You know I worry about you" "Simon I'll be fine" I put my hand in his and walk us down the stairs, careful of people being around. We walk into the kitchen, the sound of the boys messing around in the garden could be heard. "Join them I'll be with you in a moment" He gives me a quick kiss before dashing outside to the others. As soon as I see him out of my sight I began to search the cupboards, top to bottom. Eventually I found a full bottle of vodka, I took it out of the cupboard and put it on the side. I took a plastic bottle of water and tipped the water down the sink. I opened the bottle and poured it into the water bottle until it reached the rim. I shoved the bottle in my hoodie, taking a swig of the vodka before putting the bottle back into the cupboard. I take a deep breath and make my way over to the garden where the boys wait. As I step outside I see the garden full of different inflatable objects, everyone messing around and talking. "JJ, finally, your here" Tobi says as I walk over. "I'm here" I say, everyone else discussing what the video plan was going to be. I sit on the grass further away from the group and pull my water out. "Your going to be my best friend today" I think as I take 3 full gulps, the liquid burning my throat. I cough as it gets down me, looking up to see Ethan making his way over to me. He sits beside me "You doing alright mate?" he asks, worry laced in his voice. "Yeah" I say, feeling the slight affect of the alcohol fill me. "Your a bad liar you know" "How come?" I ask. "You look miserable and anyone could see that" I shrug my shoulders not being able to deny it and get up off the floor. "You guys ready to intro?" Harry asks. "Yeah" We both respond, everyone stands in front of the camera, ready to start filming. I just want to get this over and done with, once it's finished I don't need to worry. "Okay first challenge we're doing in order of subs" Tobi says. "Great" I say, making my way over to an inflatable with a mechanical bull. "JJ just be careful of your injuries, if it hurts don't try to stay on" Josh says, everyone agreeing. I take another swig of the bottle and chuck it on the ground. I barely lasted a second on the bull, I couldn't grip properly with the pain.I finally got off and put my bottle back in my pocket. Around 10 minutes passed. Everything going on around me slowly started to become a blur. I had been taking sips throughout the video without thinking about it. I sit down, the only thought on my mind being sleep. Every time I thought about my family I drank, I couldn't stand thinking about them and was doing everything to forget about the day.


I watch as JJ sits on the grass, staying away from the group trying to distance himself. I walk over to him and sit beside him. "You doing alright mate?" I ask, his face drained of any happiness. "Yeah" he responds. "Your a bad liar you know" I say. "How come?" "You look miserable and anyone could see that" I say. He shrugs his shoulders and gets up. A whiff of alcohol coming from him. I watch him walk back over to the group as I get off the floor myself. "You guys ready to intro?" Harry asks. "Yeah" We both say. As the video starts to close the end, I loose sight of JJ, I look away from the group and see him limping away. He sits down away from the group barely sitting up right. His eyes could hardly stay open. I walk away from the group and back over to him. "Jiddle, come on man" I say approaching him. "Let's get you inside" I try lifting him off the ground but he refuses. "And thank you guys for watching, make sure you subscribe and comment who you think won, Cya!" I hear as Josh wraps up the video. "Ethan, JJ what are you doing?" Tobi asks. "Help me take him inside" I say, looking over at the other guys and back to Tobi. "Is he hurt?" he asks, as he puts JJ's arm around his neck as do i. "He's been drinking" I say, sadness laced in my voice. "Oh JJ why've you gone and done that" He says to JJ, his eyes barely open. The others are packing away the equipment while me and Tobi try to discretely get JJ inside. We managed to get him in with none of the boys noticing. "Find where the vodka is, see how much he's had" Tobi says, putting JJ on the sofa. I dash through into the kitchen and search the cupboards. I find nothing. I return back to them, JJ trying to get off the sofa. "JJ stay there" I say. "Ethan, smell this" He passes me JJ's empty water bottle. I take off the cap and smell inside the bottle, the same smell from earlier filled my nose but a lot stronger. "Has he been drinking straight vodka?" I ask. "I think so" "I am here you know" He slurs. "Get the boys, somethings not right" I say, Tobi nodding. 

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