Chapter 1

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New house, new city, new state, new start. I've moved to Georgia, Atlanta Georgia to be exact.

"Demi!" Yelled my mom, well step mom, but I consider her as my real mom. Ive known her way longer than my real mom, that I've never actually met or at least don't remember who she was because she left my dad and I a few months after I was born.


"Come help me bring this box up to your room." she called from the bottom of my stairs that leads up into three rooms for me, my older brother Chance, and my younger sister, Hayven.

"Ok, be down in a sec." I replied.

I rushed down the steep, wooden stairs that creaked with every step I took.

"I think this box is full of all your clothes." She said to me.

"K, I'll take I look."

I grabbed the large cardboard box from her hands and rushed back upstairs into my room that so far only had a bed with no sheets, a few hangers, and a pale blue dresser in it that used to be my birth moms. I just thought it was cute.

I slammed the box onto my bed and ripped it wide open. Inside was a large stack of my clothes. My sweater vest, my favorite sweatpants and sweatshirts, and a few polo shirts and long skirts when I was in a dressy mood. I took out all of my clothes and placed them on hangers so I could hang them up.

After I was finished I heard a knock on our door.

My dad had opened it and from upstairs I could hear someone say..

"Hello!" In a women's voice. And a few other "hi's" and "nice to meet you's." In younger children voice.

"Demi,.. Hayven!" my dad yelled.


"Come down stairs and meet our new neighbors."

I walked down stairs and towards the front door to find standing there and women who looks not a day over 30, same goes with the husband. The mother had an infant, boy, in her arms and then a toddler, girl, cradling her leg. Then behind the father, from what I could see cause she was kind of hiding, was a girl that looked around my age, 14.

"This is the Belle family, they are our next door neighbors." My dad said to me and Hayven.

I shook the parents hands while they introduced theirselves.

"Hi, nice to meet you I'm John and this is my wife Hannah."

"Hi." I replied.

"This is our daughter Maycie, the toddler and our son Caleb, the infant."

I bent down to greet Maycie with a high five. I stood back up and tickled Caleb's feet, as he giggle .

I was confused. They didn't introduce me to their eldest daughter.

"John, did you forget someone?" My dad brought up.

"Oh, oh ya. This is our daughter Gracie she's 15 almost 16."

I peeked around behind John where she was "hiding" and said, "hi!"

She looked at me then quickly turned her head the opposite way saying nothing.

"Umm, she's shy, we apologise for her rudeness." Hannah said to me.

"It's fine"

"Dem, do you mind if the Belles come over for dinner on Tuesday?" My dad asked me.

"Uh Ya that would be great."

"Ok! Sounds like a plan! Thanks for stopping by see you Tuesday."

"See you."

They all walked off in the direction of their house, except for Gracie. she walked in the complete opposite way, and her parents didn't even really seem to care or even notice.

I raced upstairs and looked out through my large window to see if I could see where Gracie was heading. She walked across the street closest to our house and went up behind a large oak tree that sits right in the middle of an empty piece of grass land. She then disappeared. Into the tree.

Hey everyone, I hoped u enjoyed the first chapter of this new book❤️
Luv Tara

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2014 ⏰

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