Study Night

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                                  Deku's POV
A little note. Some angst is about to happen (aka me hating Endeavor:P)*

Today was the day. Todoroki is gonna come over today. I tried to calm myself down without those anxiety pills but it honestly just kept getting worse. I walked downstairs to get a cup of water and ran back upstairs at fast as possible. I took the pill and 15 minutes later I started to calm down. It's was 11:45. I knew that he didn't want to actually study. We both knew how to use our quirks, well except me but All Might won't tell me even though I asked him a billion times. I guess I just have to learn myself. I don't want anybody to help me though, cause nobody can know about One For All. It was 11:55. I was mentally preparing and telling myself not to cry. I sat waiting for the knock on the door. About 12:01 a knock came. I prepared and ran downstairs and opened the door. It was just some cat that ran into the door, it ran off from the stairs leading to my door. It was probably running from some dog. I closed the door and about 10 minutes later another knock came. I opened the door and Todoroki said hello. I said hi back and welcomed him in. We sat on the couch and Todoroki's phone got a notification. "One second" he said with an apologizing tone. "Uh. Can we turn on the news real quick?" He said with a concerned voice. "Yeah, s-sure" I felt akward cause I never really hung out with people. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on and went to the news channel.

*BREAKING NEWS*: "We just got news that the number two hero, Endeavor, was caught on a rampage. A police officer tried to ask the hero what was wrong. All we got from him was this."

*changes to Endeavor scene*

"Sir! Who is Shoto?"
"Do we need to send a missing person report?"
"NO! I'll find him. Shoto I have a feeling you are watching this. If you are, GET YOUR ASS HOME!!"

*back to news reporter*

"It seems Endeavor is looking for his son. Apparently for training. As I watch this go on, Endeavor is on a cussing rampage. Whoever Shoto is. Let's hope he's ok"

*off of TV*

"Aren't you Endeavors son Todoroki?" I asked looking into his eyes while he was looking at the TV in disbelief. "W-well yeah. But I-I don't need to go. He just wants me to train. And he just doesn't know yet, my sister should've told him already.." The TV turned back to Endeavor.

*to TV*


*to TV reporter*

"It seems as though Endeavor is very angry. And apparently his son has done this before. We don't know all the details but a police officer has some information. Here he is"

*to officer*

"Thank you. All we have out of Endeavor is that his son is supposed to be training. UA is having a test for how powerful there quirks are right now. This is all we have at the moment. Back to you"

*back to the reporter*

"Thank you. It seems Endeavor is screaming at his own home for his son. Let's go to that"

*to Endeavor*

"No! He may have sent me a text message but I never got it! I got home and went to look for him but he wasn't there! And he never came home!"
"I'm sorry! I-I never saw him!"
"D-dad it-ts Shoto"

*back to reporter*

"It seems Endeavor's son was with a friend. Endeavor is very mad, we will be back once he's calm"

*back from TV*

"Todoroki?" I looked over and he looked mad? But scared at the same time. "That bastard" he said truly angry. "Does your sister need help?" I asked "yeah. We gotta go. Or.. you can stay. He's dangerous and I-I don't want you to get hurt" he told me. It honestly just made me want to help his sister more. "Let's go. If I could be in danger, then your sister can to" I said standing. "Yeah let's go"

*time skip to there*

We opened the door to see Fuyumi on the floor crying. "Fuyumi? What did he do?" Todoroki asked trying to calm her. "H-He said he's gonna go see m-mom and yelled that s-she ma-ade you like this.." Todoroki looked like he just witnessed a murder. "S-Shoto.. he's going to hurt her.." Fuyumi started balling again. "Don't worry.. I'm going." He stood up very fast "Midoriya, can you help me?" "Of course!" We ran as fast as we could to where ever his mom was. He opened a door to a hospital? "Ma'am? Please I really need to get to this room" and he pointed to a room "Ok sir, sign here. I need both signatures" Me and Todoroki signed and we ran to the room. We both saw flames from the door, "E-Enji.. w-what are you do-oing"
Todoroki busted open the door. "Dad? What are you doing?!" Endeavor turned slowly around. "Shoto... where. were. you?" Todoroki's face went pale. "I-I was with my friend studying." I saw Todoroki cower a little bit and I got scared for him. "Why...?" Endeavor said "I- um.." "He just wanted to train with a friend." I stepped in. Again without thinking. Todoroki looked at me with a thanking look. "You idiot!" Endeavor screamed at Todoroki. I relized all of Todoroki's family was in danger. One of the nurses saw what was going on and got a police officer. The officers showed up with All Might. "So what were you thinking?" All Might almost yelled at Endeavor. They all walked away and Todoroki's moms face looked shocked of what just happened. "So this is how your father acts now?" She asked looking up at Todoroki "Well.. most of the time." She chuckled and said "Looks like he's never changed.. that little shit" I felt completely akward. I had no idea what was wrong with him but it looks like he's been doing this for a long time. I sat outside of the room, is this really what he deals with? I want to help him but I don't know how. I thought of all the ideas that I could try but I just decided to not get involved. I was already to much for him. He walked out of the door and sat on the floor next to me. I could feel myself blushing "Thanks for trying to help me" he said with a sorrowful tone, as if he felt bad for everything. "Your welcome, I'm sorry you have to deal with him.." I said trying not to seem awkward. "It's fine, I know how to deal with myself I just try to help the rest of my family." He said. I felt so many emotions at once. "Well wanna go back to your house?" I nodded and we stood up. We walked out of the hospital. "Sorry you had to witness him" He said "It's ok, if you need to talk about anything I'm here" I smiled, I only smiled to show that I really wanted to be there for him. "You really are an amazing person" He said as we got to my house. He texted his sister to tell her that everything is fine and delt with. We walked into my house and we walked to my room. I sat down and that's when I remembered that we had school tomorrow and the same thing would happen like it does any time I see Kacchan.. I guess Todoroki saw how I felt and he sat next to me on the bed. I felt myself crying and tried to stop but I couldn't. He hugged me while I cried. I guess I cried myself to sleep in his arms cause I woke up to him hugging me. I woke him up and he looked awkward but I reassured him it was fine. I got up and got ready for school. We walked out the door and we walked to school. I saw Kacchan and I got a rush of anxiety. I felt safer next to Todoroki and we walked in the school. When I got in class Kacchan looked at me and shot me a look of anger. I sat there worried but I knew he couldn't touch me cause we were in class and the teacher was there. "Welcome to class, we have an exam this week so we need to be prepared."

Kzjendjsndjfjd sorry this took so long! Also THANK YOU FOR 1.4K READS!!! Like how?! Y'all are amazing!!! I'll try and get the next chapter out as soon as possible. The next one is a time skip after all of the school crap and with be very gay :) ~venus

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