Chapter 21: Expert

Start from the beginning

"I am serious!" he exclaimed. "I spend more time with you than with my girlfriend. We are best friends and will soon become soul mates if one of us doesn't leave!"

She rolled her eyes, being used to his antics by now. "Stop exaggerating. We don't spend all our time together."

"Um, yeah we do. You have slept four out of five nights in the hospital this week and so did I. People would think we are having an affair."

"You wish. I'm just trying to catch up on everything I missed. What's your excuse for taking extra shifts?"

"You are already caught up Khushi. Even graduating interns have a hard time doing some of the things you can. Where did you learn it all?"

Khushi ignored him, but the guilt in her stomach cut a little deeper.

Arnav was not of much help either. "If it's bothering you so much, just tell him the truth."

She stared at him incredulous. They were having dinner together –it was now routine for them to eat together any time she was not on shift– when she had just finished recounting her conversation with Ved that day. "What do you mean tell him?!"

"Tell him you were an intern before. What's the big deal?"

Khushi didn't reply, choosing instead to play with her food.

"Look," Arnav said, watching her. "He clearly is a good friend and you don't want to lose him. So, just do yourself a favour and tell him."

"And if he asks why I left the last hospital without writing the intern exam?"

Arnav shrugged. "You had a family emergency. We have been over this before."

Khushi didn't argue with him, knowing that he wouldn't understand. However, her silence seemed to have said it all.

"Just spit it out Dr. Gupta," he said. "I hate suspense."

A small smile escaped her lips. It was always like that with him; easy and light. Khushi couldn't recall when their relationship took such a one-eighty-degree turn, or for that matter how. Ever since he pushed her to resume work, he had become her number one confidant. He probably didn't understand a word of the medical jargon she used, but he always knew what to say in response.

And the best part of it all was that Khushi never had to pretend with him. With her father, she had to be the docile daughter, with her brother, the overprotective sister and with her in-laws, the obedient daughter-in-law. But with him? It was easy. She could be anything she wanted, because she knew he didn't care. He had no expectations from her, so whether she lived up to her image or not, it didn't matter.

"It's stupid really," Khushi said, shaking her head. "But it's just... embarrassing. Repeating your intern year is embarrassing."


Arnav didn't have anything else to say, so they simply finished their dinner in silence. It was one of those rare occasions that Khushi didn't feel relieved after talking to him, but she should have known better.

When she arrived at the hospital next morning, she was summoned to Dr. Awasti's office for a meeting. Surprised, she gingerly went to see her mentor.

"Come in," Dr. Awasti said. "Have a seat."

Khushi obliged.

"The senior doctors are very impressed with your work and dedication Dr. Gupta."

"I am sure they are just being kind, there is still a lot I have to learn."

"On the contrary, I think it's time for you to write your intern exam."

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