Chapter 5

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Hazel Blum

"I still can't believe you guys kissed," Julia said as we walked toward the Precalc classroom. The kiss between Harry and I was all we talked about for the entire weekend, and apparently, she was not planning to stop anytime soon. "I mean, you shared saliva, and he took you home."

I rolled my eyes. "Can we not talk about this here?" I gave her a stern look. The last thing I needed was anyone finding out about Harry and I. Roger had told everyone that he saw nothing, only the two of us staring at each other tranquilly. He created a lie out of my lie. And he had no clue that Harry had walked me home.

"I'm sorry." She giggled. "I'm just so excited, and I literally can't wait for you to see each other today."

"What if he thought it sucked?" I asked, looking at Jules with a bit of disappointment in my eyes.

She smiled softly. "I'm pretty sure he liked it, he did push you against that wall instead of away." She winked. "And let's not forget that he offered to take you home."

I laughed rather quietly. "I guess you're right."

Once we arrived at the Precalc classroom, Julia and I walked inside. She did not have class there, but she 'had to see Harry's face when he saw me'. I placed my textbook on the table and hung my backpack onto the back of the chair. Harry was sitting behind me, and had his eyes glued to his phone. Julia tried to make as much noise as possible, so that he would focus on us two.

And when he finally did, he just stared at me blankly and quickly looked back at his phone. I tried to not give it much thought, since it could have meant anything.

...who am I kidding? I was overthinking everything, even non-over thinkable things, at that moment.

Why did he look at me like that?

Why didn't he smile?

What did I do wrong?

Am I really that bad of a kisser? Why did Roger lie to me?

And then again, Harry looked up from his phone, at me, and it was as if something had clicked inside his brain, because he immediately smiled. "Hey," he said, running a hand through his soft hair, verified.

Jules was standing right behind me, trying to suppress her laughter, but not being completely able to. I did not blame her, though; it was an amusing scene to witness.

The only words that left my mouth were, "Uh, how are you?"

"I'm alright. Uh, I'm curious, did you have a good time at the party, after the game?" He looked at me shyly, making my heart melt. "I mean, you left early."

"Yes, well, kind of. I mean, I probably would've enjoyed myself more, but Roger was somewhat upset, so I had to convince him that nothing happened. I might have lied, but yeah..."

"It was just a kiss, don't get worked up over that." He chuckled. "And well, haven't we got a liar right here?"

I laughed nervously, not having a clue of what to respond. I was never that good with boys, never had been much of a flirt. I was way too awkward for that.

"But thanks, I wouldn't want to be on my mate's bad side. It'd be pretty maddening to have someone put their hands on your girlfriend, let alone kiss her." There was a humorous glint in his emerald eyes.

I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. I immediately averted my gaze from his, focusing on the iPhone that laid in his hands. I looked up, causing our stares to meet again. "I told you before, I'm not his girlfriend."

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