Chapter 1

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Hazel Blum

As I was approaching school lands, I felt happiness flood my insides. I was finally going to see him after two whole months. He was one of the few reasons why school was interesting at all. I might sound like an obsessive girl, but that is the truth. School was boring and stressful, but just the sight of him made everything better. We had never spoken, heck, I barely knew his name, and I was pretty sure that he did not know mine.

I had been crushing on this guy for little over six months, and the crush was not fading at all. I had spent the entire summer thinking about him, imagining how dazzling he would look on the very first day of school, and whatnot.

This was the last year of school for me, my senior year. My last chance to try to be noticed by him. I knew that I would never see him again after I graduated, if I did not do something about it, of course.

My crush, Harry, was a junior. He, I assumed, was about sixteen years old, while I was almost eighteen. I knew I shouldn't have been focusing on younger guys, or guys at all, but it was inevitable. He was gorgeous. He had deep green eyes with a certain special light in them; wavy, brown hair that was long enough to be put up into a ponytail; fair, white skin that looked soft from miles away. And his height, oh God. But the principal reason behind why I felt so fascinated by him was his smile.

Sure, many other boys at school were superfine and had charming features, but none of them could be compared to him. I guess you are assuming by now that I was in love with him, when in reality I was not. I did not know absolutely anything about him. Did not know what music he liked, what he did on his free time, whether he liked to read or write, or not. I was also clueless as to what hid within that mind of his, as I could tell that most time he was absent from the world. Like he did not really care about anything that was going on around him, he just zoned out and gave no attention to the people surrounding him.

I thought of him as a beautiful creation of nature. I liked him although I did not know him.

I entered school grounds literally running, crossing the enormous front green lawn. Once I was standing beside the tall pine tree, I dropped my bag from my shoulder and sat cross-legged on the grass. I knew my jeans were going to be soil stained, but I did not mind. I was waiting anxiously for my best friend to arrive. She was always late to every single place we went to. Whether it was a party, get together, dinner, class, you could always count on Julia to be late.

I plugged my earbuds in my phone and placed one bud in my ear. I clicked on shuffle and some song came on, but I was not really paying it much attention. I was much more concentrated on imagining how he would look and what my expression would be when I saw him, if he would look at me, or if he would not acknowledge my existence, like he had done for the past six months. But my abstraction was interrupted when two hands covered my blue eyes and everything went dark.

"Jules, I know it's you..." I said, feeling up the hands of the figure behind me, but as soon as I felt the short nails, I knew it could not be my dearest friend.

"I can't believe you've just called me Jules. I mean, I thought that by the roughness of my palms, you'd know right away who it was."

I turned around, only to find Roger's warm blue eyes boring into mine. I laughed lightly, getting back on my feet. He was kneeling down, but got up right away.

"Hi, Roger." I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his chest. "I'm sorry," I said, trying to imitate a baby's voice.

Roger held my waist and rested his chin on the top of my head. "It's okay," he said and let out a few chuckles. He kissed my forehead, and then we both let go. "I've missed you."

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