im sorry

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I'm sorry isn't enough to fix what I've done
It's not simple
And it's never that easy
To get off scot free
I was selfish, cold, and stupid
Only thinking of myself
And not of you
I was young and foolish
Wandering so far off the beaten path
All excuses
I made a lot of choices I regret
Mainly what I did to you
Dragging you along
Then dumping you somewhere
Like you were nothing to me
You didn't deserve any of it
And I wish I could take it all back
I made you feel worthless and used
I broke you down
And for that,
I will be sorry for the rest of my life
Pretty words can't fix the damage I've done
The things I did to you
But maybe
Before I leave,
I can fix this
Or at least try
I'm sorry I make you uncomfortable
Awkward, anxious
You do the same to me
As much as I try to pretend you don't
With all this bloody history between us
I look for your car before I can stop myself
I see a flash of red hair
And I immediately think it's you
I think about you more than I want to admit
But I never approach
Because the last time I did
I made things so much worse
I choke on the guilt and shame every day
Fulfilling your wish
That I would feel what I did to you
You were right about me
Playing the victim to ignore what I did
I guess this is some sort of olive branch
Not asking to be friends
I don't wanna make things worse
But maybe to clear the air
Let you know what's going on in my head
I don't hate you
I never did
But my self loathing turned you into a scapegoat
And I'm sorry
More sorry than I think words could ever express
I made your life hell
Broke your heart
And shoved you deep into that black hole
And never once turned back
I was cruel and uncaring
Selfish and childish
I'll probably have to say it a thousand times over
But I'm sorry
I don't want to bother you
Come crashing in your life again
I don't want anything from you
All I've done is take from you
Soon I'll be leaving
Moving out of this town and its memories
Finding my life somewhere else
And I hope
You will be free of this town too
I hope you find someone who loves you
Deeply, fiercely
Someone who makes me fade away
Like a bad dream
I hope you find the happiness you've always deserved
I mean this with all my heart
No malicious intent
No sarcasm
You deserve the world
And I'm sorry I made you think other wise
I know words aren't enough
But I wanted you to know
I'm sorry
I'm sorry for all the times I hurt you
I dragged you along
I made you feel worthless
I'm sorry

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