useless lies

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The calm to my chaos
All just a useless pack
Of fucking lies
To make me feel special
I've loved you since I can remember
You were my everything
I gave you all of me
Everything I had
And you took it all
Whispering sweet lies to me the whole time
Was any of it real?
Any of it?
Did you ever find me beautiful?
Worthy of your love?
Doesn't fucking feel like it
Are you satisfied?
Your love is messy
Crawling down my throat
Until I vomit it all back up
Are you finally happy now?
Now that you've connected with someone better
Prettier than me?
I hope she breaks your heart
So you know how you've ripped me apart
What did you expect would happen?
I'd smile for you?
Be all fucking gracious
And say I wish you the best?
You destroyed me
Broke me all the way back down
You never loved me
You still don't love me
You used me
Until you got bored
Until someone better came along
There will be scars on my body
That bear your name
A remnant to remind me
That love only takes
I was a fool to trust you
A useless fucking fool
There's no love in the world for me
Stop lying to me
You aren't sorry for hurting me
You're sorry I didn't react
The way you thought I would
Sorry I wasn't everything you wanted
Sorry I wasn't good enough
Don't ever come back
Let me fucking drown

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