this is my love letter to you

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You grab my hand when you need stability
Your hands linger on my waist
A glance my way
A flirtatious smirk and wink
Your pinkie is always wrapped around mine
You're never far away
You put a mirror in front of me
Pure glass and crystal
And I,
Afraid and unable to hide,
Looked at myself for the first time
You saw and spoke to all my shame
My doubt and fear and rage and hate
The secrets I never spoke
All the acidic words in my stomach
And you pushed me out of my box
While catching me when I hit the bottom
Your promises have rang true
"I'll always love you"
"I'll always forgive you"
"You'll always be beautiful to me"
You barely knew me
And yet needed to know me
You craved to be under my skin
To see the secrets carved in my bones
Even if they were shameful things
You hold me every night
After we've said our good nights
Our sweet kisses
Bathed in promises of sweet dreams
After we've apologized for sharp words
And quicker tempers
You're the sun to my dying flower
The rain I so desperately needed
I don't recognize who I've become
Since falling in love with you
But I like her more
She melds with who I used to be
Holding onto the mistakes to find the learning curve
While forgiving the past girl
For every choice she made
She's grows with who I am now
Teaching, guiding
With more gentleness that she thought she deserved
I know, if the universe had given up on me
You wouldn't be here
You wouldn't be giving me everything you had
You give me hope
Hope for a better future for myself
Full of healing
Pushing myself to be uncomfortable
Forcing myself to come face to face
With my demons, my darkness, the imperfection
I hated to see in myself
I can't use words to describe you
Or to describe my love for you
But I hope I never let you forget
I hope my actions remain in love
Even when we fight
Even when our voice grow loud
I'll always come to your bed
Your arms 
Every time

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