Chapter 2

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Today was the day for the Annual Jewel Companies award ratings, of course I knew our company would win. I heard my phone ringing and I saw it was my father who was calling.

"Hello Father?"

"Today is the day, go make us proud. Mr. Seth German will also come to that event, make sure you get him on our side, he is a person with a high profile and we could hit the jackpot with that guy." That was my father, he never called to ask me how I was? No! He only called about business.

"Alright father, I will do so." He immediately hung up the call without a 'goodbye' or a 'nice day'. My father was a cold man, I had never seen him smile from the day I came to this world, he always had this stern expression as if he was supervising everything. From a young age I never got any parent's love, I was taught how to be independent, never to raise my voice and never to show any kind of emotions.

I shook my head of all the thoughts and decided to get ready for the party.  It was midday and the event would begin at 7pm, I went to the bathroom to get ready before Ryan arrived.

Ryan and his team helped me get inside my outfit, my makeup was already done.

"Wow! The dress looked beautiful but when you wore it, it is exquisitely gorgeous." Ryan said. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and true enough, I looked amazing.

"Now let me help you put this jewelry." One of Ryan's assistants said while walking towards me, I put up a finger to stop him in his tracks, "Don't touch me." My attention went back to looking myself in the mirror.

"Oh dear, always scaring away my staff. You don't shout or scream at anyone but you have this stare that is enough to make someone piss on themselves." Ryan said, he walked towards me and kept the jewelry on me. My hair was parted at the middle letting it fall on my sides, while the tips were curled to perfection.

After the entire look was done, I wore my heels and Ryan escorted me to my car. I would ride to the party with a limousine since my dress was huge enough and it needed all the space it would get. The bodyguards opened my door and I got inside, I waved to Ryan goodbye.

Inside the limo was my publicist manager, he would always accompany to every event I went to. I smelt inside the car and there was a foul smell, I brought my finger to the bridge of my nose to block out the odour.

"What's that smell?" I asked, "Which cologne are you using?"

"It's Hirvana Gess." He answered confused.

"I think I already told you that I hate cheap colognes, I pay you enough to afford some decent perfume. Get out of my car."

"But Miss, this perfume is worth 20 dollars."

"20 dollars? I wouldn't even buy a handkerchief at 20 dollars."

"Not everyone is as rich as-"

"Well guess what? You are fired," I threw him a cold smile, "Now run along and tell your pregnant wife."


"I wasn't speaking Spanish now was I?"

"Please Miss don't fire m-" My bodyguard dragged him out of the car. No one was allowed to ever talk back at me, I poured myself champagne to relax.

When we arrived, the paparazzi were everywhere. The sounds of flashing cameras were heard, one of my bodyguard opened the door for me. The paparazzi immediately ran to my side, it took all the energy in me not to smash those cameras to the ground. The camera lights were so bright, almost blinding.

"Miss Strikings who are you wearing today?"

"Did you design those expensive jewels that you are wearing?"

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