With a dry cough, she removed her hand from the book and got up: "I want to use the bathroom. "

Charles silently looked at her, their eyes met, then moved sideways to allow her access to the aisle.

She hid in the bathroom for a long time facing the mirror. She began to wonder why she felt he was affecting her so much. He seemed so powerful, she felt she had nowhere hide; she had the feeling of being surrounded on all sides, or even almost defeated.

Perhaps his eyes always made people feel he could see what was in their heart.

Perhaps because her feelings were never reciprocated, she had never felt shy.

After countless reflections over a short time, Nichole got out of the toilet.

In the opposite side of the washroom, standing in the slightly narrow aisle, was Charles.

He was waiting for her, with folded arms and a poker face.

Nichole thought he wanted to use the toilet, but he did not seem to go in. Turning sideways to avoid him, she tried to walk towards the seat.

As she was about to walk ahead, Charles' hand suddenly came up against the wall, pressing her against it.

She looked at him with displeasure: "You ... ..."

"If my information is correct, Manager Mason is your sister's fiancé", he suddenly said.

Nichole frowned.

Charles' usual expressionless face suddenly showed a hint of smile "Being in love with your sister's fiancé, it must not be easy for you, is it?"

His smile was ironic.

Nichole never knew that she could be forced into such a desperate, uncontrollable situation with such a short question. Her temper barely in check, she said, "What have you seen that made you conclude I am in love with him? What made you think he is Hazel's fiancé?"

His gaze rested for a moment on her face as she confronted him; then he tipped her chin up. Nichole was taken aback, she felt she was being forced to the corner.

After he stared at her long enough, he dropped her chin, "Few have deceived my eyes. "

If she hadn't been afraid of raising the flight stewardess's suspicion who was seeing them standing in the distance, Nichole would have solved the problem through force. He laughed ironically again. She also smiled back at him with contempt and pulled his tie, forcing his head down toward her.

She looked squarely at his eyes, their eyes reflected each other and anger at him burned through her.

"You think you can see what my heart is thinking?"

He did not seem to care; he seemed to be quite tolerant to her anger as he said:" I can see in your eyes that you are trying hard to hide something. "

She pulled him closer, and with a sneer said "Then you take a look in my eyes and see, what I think of Mr. Miller, an arrogant, self-righteous ... ..."

Her hands clenched tightly around his tie.

He smiled slowly, the smile changing.

This man's attention was no longer on her eyes.

The next moment, Nichole realized that his eyes had unknowingly locked on her lips.

She had no time to react.

Her hand released his tie, but was grabbed by him," "Have you forgotten that you still owe me?"

The kiss that had started in his house five hours ago finally landed solidly on her cool lips.

Nichole reacted fast and suddenly pushed him.

But this man was so arrogant, even as she pushed him away, he pulled her closer.

This time, her whole body was pressed tightly to his without the slightest gap. She refused to comply, using her hand to push his chest, but couldn't make him budge.

Charles' kiss could not be refused. Nichole put up with it, but she could see in his eyes, not warmth, but a strange coldness.

Yes, his eyes were cold, or even vicious.

So cold, that at that moment it seemed he hated her. . ...

Hate. First her father hated her, and now this man hated her so much it was almost like he wanted to destroy her.

He finally let her go and Nichole immediately slapped him.

He did not stop her. A crisp sound and Charles' face was suddenly red.

Nichole was stunned. She could not believe it. The last time, she wanted to slap Hazel, but he had easily caught his wrist. Yet he didn't stop her now.

Charles touched his face with his Fingers, then the corners of the mouth went up in a smile. It was as if he wanted to warn her- I just allowed you to hit me. If I do not allow you, you have no strength to hit me.

Nichole finally thought of a word to describe the expression on his face at this time – disrespect .

This made her hate him more. In the twinkling of an eye, she picked up a glass of water from the table of the nearest passenger and tried to throw the water on his handsome but disgusting face.

This time Charles caught her wrist neatly.

Nichole wanted to break free, but with his other hand he easily took the glass from her hands and drank a mouthful.

"I was feeling kind of thirsty after I kissed you," Charles indicated the cup in his hands, his smile mocking, "thank you. "

Nichole's mind had long ago stopped functioning logically ,under his withering stare, she tried to take the glass away from him. The stewardess realised the situation was getting difficult and quickly stepped forward to mediate. In the ensuing struggle between the two, Charles accidentally spilled some water on the stewardess.

Nichole was suddenly brought back to reality as she saw the water stains on the stewardess's apron and quickly apologized to her: "I'm sorry ... ..."

"I'm sorry. " Charles said, his voice neither overbearing, nor creepy.

Saying this he offered some tips and a paper towel to the stewardess She did not take a tip, only the tissue and gave a professional smile to: "It does not matter. "

As he turned around, the stewardess advised Nichole: "Miss, I have nothing to do with you lovers, but it is better to talk than fight. This gentleman has quite a good temper".

Nichole felt helpless, she was annoyed. She was about to explain, when Charles turned back to smile at the flight attendant and pulled her hand to move back to their seats.

As they passed the food cart of the stewardess, Charles put a tip on the top.

He really intended to buy people with money –

Nichole was annoyed, she threw off his hand forcefully.

She had unwittingly acted out a farce in the aircraft, making a joke of herself in front of outsiders. She silently realised that he was the most powerful enemy she had met in her life.

In the front of this man, inexplicably she felt a bit timid.

For the rest of the journey, Nichole was determined not to give him any opportunity to cause trouble. She adjusted her seat,put on her goggles, pulled down the shades and put on the blankets, preparing to sleep.

For more than half an hour, she was unable to fall asleep.

Although the temperature in the cabin was low, her brain was still heated and in a mess. As she turned over to force herself to sleep, the blanket slid down a bit. Before she could take out her hand to pull it up, the blanket was adjusted and tucked in. She knew who did this, and was scared. Although her eyes were wrapped by the eye mask, she subconsciously squeezed her eyes shut.

She could feel his moist breath over her forehead.

"Sweet dreams", Charles said softly in her ear. 

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