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The next class I have after lunch is History. I know there are a lot of people who view history as long, slow, and tedious, however i love my history class.
Mr. Binkly is a very informative teacher always encouraging us to dig deep into facts and put our minds in the time we are studying.
Misty has history with me. She's far more outspoken than me and always jokes with Mr. Binkly. For instance when she entered the class room today she didn't put her history paper in the basket. In fact she didn't even have her paper out. I know she did it, we worked together on them.
Mr Binkly asked "Where is your paper Misty?"
"Well i lost it while i was fighting Tommy Tomaters, he said you were not the best teacher in school. So of course i had to defend my favorite teacher's honor."
Just then she slid her paper out of her backpack and laid it on top of mine.
"Misty i know for a fact Mrs. Hemmel is your favorite teacher. As for me being the BEST teacher, i only repeat what i am told myself. "
All of us students who had managed to get in a minute early laughed at this joke because some of us had in fact nominated Mr. Binkly as the best teacher.

After school our group was going to go to my place for snacks and a group tackle at homework. First on the agenda: the scoop on the amazing Gwen's play.
"Ok." Sam said as she slid up to our kitchen bar counter. "Lets tell the girls about Pine Ridge's newest work of art."
"Yes , lets!" Misty cheered.
Here is a little back information on Gwen: she is beautiful. Because of her outstanding beauty she is the most popular girl in school. However, Gwyneth is extremely dumb. The only way she passes her classes is by using her beauty to woo unattractive smart teenage males into doing her homework and even at times helping her write her own paper.
There is a secret society of students at Pine Ridge high who laugh at Gwen because of how she flounders around school and still yet is popular and (supposedly) loved by all. Sam, Misty, Emma, and Jordan were proud members of this said secret society.
So, Sam told the story of our new play. " It all started when Mrs. Hemmel had the oh so wonderful idea of taking suggestions for our next play. Gwen apparently had a draft of her play ready. So she presented it to Mrs. Hemmel, and for some insane reason Mrs. Hemmel loved it. They both are crazy."
"Do you think Gwen wrote it all on her own? She doesn't seem quite up to that." I asked.
"Oh yes, she definitely wrote it all on her own." Was Sam's surprising reply.

What on earth. Our school is going crazy apparently.
The play conversation fizzled out, so we started on our homework.

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